The Obama Deception

The Obama Deception removes the mask to reveal the true face of the man of hope and change. Who is Obama? What is he about? How did he get there? Who supports him? Why? All is revealed.


Anonymous said...

Fascinating story. Sometimes a strong intuition overwhelms one that Obama has been put there to see over the dismantling of the USA.

Anonymous said...

YouTube Caught Censoring Obama Deception Video
March 23, 2009
YouTube has deleted ChangeDaChannel’s honors formerly attached to Alex Jones’ high quality encode of The Obama Deception in a crass effort to knock the film’s ratings down, an obvious effort by Google’s YouTube to make sure people remain unaware of and do not watch the video. In essence — and not unlike the old Soviet Union — YouTube is acting as a political police goon squad for the establishment, attempting to make sure as few people as possible see this important documentary.

YouTube and Google Video are notorious for censoring and fudging view results on Alex Jones films and other films including Loose Change and NufffRespect’s hugely popular Question Your Reality video. For more on the mechanics behind Google’s censorship, see Google Censorship — How It Works.

It is important that The Obama Deception get out to as many people as possible and that is why Alex has allowed the film to be posted on the internet. ChangeDaChannel has the best high quality encode of the film and this needs to go viral.

Please watch the film below and order your copy of the DVD today. Now that Obama’s drones are on the street and going door-to-door in order to high pressure you into supporting the banker scam that will indenture our former republic to the international bankers for generations to come, it is vitally important you get a copy of this film, make copies, and pass them out to your family and neighbors so they will be ready to respond when Obama’s little Maoists come knocking on your door.

Anonymous said...

Bob-the-Builder Barack invites the world to follow him at the upcoming G 20 bash. Bob, boy, don't you know too many cooks spoil the broth? Friendly advice: let China, Russia and the Freeworld mend what the US broke. They'll make a better job of it. Go back to your "Yes, we can" activities.

Anonymous said...

Read the recent syrupy Obama appeal: "We are ready to lead. Are you ready to join us?" Nice touch that, the repetition of "ready". We are ready to oppose you, more like it.

Anonymous said...

"Obama’s wholehearted embrace and promotion of military-driven empire building even in the midst of record-breaking budget deficits, huge trade deficits and an advancing depression defines a militarist without peer in modern history. Despite promises to the contrary, the military budget for 2009-2010 exceeds the Bush Administration by at least 4%. The numbers of US military forces will increase by several hundred thousands. The number of US troops in Iraq will remain close to its peak and increase by tens of thousands in Afghanistan, at least through 2009 (despite promises to the contrary). US-based miliary air and ground attacks in Pakistan have multiplied geometrically. Obama’s top foreign policy appointees in the State Department, Pentagon, Treasury and the National Security Council, especially in any capacity involving the Middle East, are predominantly militarist Zionists with a long history of advocacy of war against Iran and with close ties with the Israeli high command." - James Petras

Anonymous said...

Say what you like about Bananas, one thing I don't forget though is his inauguration put an end to the Gaza atrocities. We owe him for that.

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