Nation By Nation (18Feb10)

5-18Feb10 -- The growing desperation spreading through the veins of the west fallen creature like the bacilli of ravenous Ebola has pushed west's already pretty serious mental disorders to new plateaus of deranged psychoses never previously experienced on this side of the galaxy.

On one hand, west embraces Taliban offering the west's erstwhile arch-enemy billions in truce cash and puppet governance chairs. On the other, no sooner it mails off its love letters, it sends 15K troops to murder all things Talib and any child in the way. On one hand, west is begging Russia for military truce. On the other, west is surrounding Russia with nukes. On one hand, west nations are all teetering on the edge of debt default. On the other, west banks have never done better and are celebrating fattest profits with gluttonous bonus orgies. On one hand, west layoffs continue unabated as the need for west product and service goes extinct. On the other, west official unemployment stat is improving. On one hand, west screams it's fighting deflation. On the other, the same west econ voodoo fiends scream they're fighting hyperinflation. On one hand, west postures like a unified entity. On the other, the west war junta picks each other pockets like the common street grifter thugs they are. On one hand, west screams the earth is overheating. On the other, the same west science pervs scream the earth is freezing up. One one hand, west celebrates outgrowing EUro diapers. One the other, west is burying the bizarre EUro experiment in a grave. On one hand, west condemns anti-semitism. On the other, west has murdered millions of Iraqis, or one of many Semitic peoples, and buried their nation in DU waste.

Expect total and complete madness from west as all its mental faculties fall victim to the many lacerations the west child-murdering beast is suffering from its foot claws to its dragon skulls. It's down to vulgar conniptions, emotive disarray, pathological lies, helter skelter violence, chaotic madness, and unveiled perversion from here on. (Mouseover flags for info)

A F G H A N I S T A N Afghanistan - Having love overtures spurned by Talib and unable to provoke up civil war with costume terrorism (see Aussia last NBN), west launches Helmand offensive #3 in, which 15K troops descend on Afghanistan civilians razing everything in sight. 3K civilians displaced in first hours of the assault. Some sundry blips on the west offensive: Resistance, 17Feb

» Click to see the west beast's crime

- To avoid facing civilian war crime inquiries in the future, Germs relabel their Helmand genocide as "non-int'l armed conflict". Note that to west, Germs in Afghanistan is somehow not an "international" matter. And note that to west, Germs brandishing WMDs is somehow not an "armed conflict". No, beside pure ridicule of humanity, permanent diabolical farce, total perverted psychosis, blood-curdling pedophile sickness, and 100% disease in every respect, the west beast has no other faces.
- USA admits to murdering 12 civilians, 14Feb.
- USA admits to murdering 5 civilians, 15Feb, in continued indiscriminate razing of homes.

A R G E N T I N A Argentina - Blocks UK oil pipeline mat'l cargo from going to the occupied Malvinas where the UK drizzly creature was planning to drill for oil some 100 miles north of Malvinas.
- Confronts UK thieves and enforces water rights surrounding Brit-occupied Malvinas. Britzies will need a permit before crossing Argentinian waters now. This could get pretty.
- And it does! UK now threatens war. Yes, the west child-murdering swill is a predictable animal, isn't it?

A U S T R A L I A Australia - China picks up 30M tonnes of coal/yr mining operation on west garage sale for 60B AUD. Where's the 2009Q1 arrogant Cuntberra's screams of keeping Aussie stolen resources for Aussies only?
- While top banks post biggest profits off bailout, Aussie too edges to a debt default. West prolapse shall leave no part of west standing.

B O L I V I A Bolivia - Setting up space agency for Chinese satellites. No, this isn't the world the west beast had planned.

B R A Z I L Brazil - Lula tosses USA patents and their cretinous royalty demands. Henceforth, breaking of the USA patent-based monopolies is on. Yes, the west bastard scribbled utter phantasmagorias on reams of patent paper thinking it's gonna go around the world and charge humans for their invention. Well, this west scam has now been broken by Brazil.

C A N A D A Canada - Mil base commander in Canada is apparently also a serial killer having murdered 2 women thusfar. For west, Jack the Ripper kind of sickness is the essential promotional requirement.

C H I N A China - Investing 10B USD in North Korea. This is after west "ordered" Beijing to sanction North Korea. Smack on the west's chin, perhaps? Sideline: This is very much a econ war now. Historically, China kept yuan and thus export low with a dollar peg. It never responded to 20 yrs of USA's verbal diarrhea. USA slapped tariffs, a matter that moved to WTO, complained about China toy quality, and tried all sorts of petulant attacks. China has reverted trend on USA debt. USA responded with 6+B USD arming of Taiwan and is courting Tibet to become a civil unrest proxy. And so China's dumping west internet barfs, offers a lifeline to Japan prying it from the west claws, and now North Korea. Apart from west's current tries to have another go at Russia, locking horns with China may have been west's last act.
- China's academy of mil science is heard "our retaliation shouldn't restrict to military matters... and we need to treat not just the symptoms but the disease" when talking about west's peddling 6B USD worth of anti-China arms to Taiwan. Yes, that's right, they used the word "disease" in connection to west for, indeed, "west is THE disease".
- It's fun to note that the mere utterance in Beijing on dumping USA bonds sent USA bond market into a St Vitus dance. No, this is not the kind of world, for which the west parasite had murdered own kind in 911 and Loondon77 to predicate its world assault.
- Now, imagine that if words send USA market a-crashin', what's happening now for China has moved to the long-awaited action. In Dec, China dumped 4% of USA T-bills reducing foreign reserves to 755B USD. It's Japan and Brits who lead in owning USA debt henceforth, not China! That's right, west is sentenced to increasing cannibalism, since Japan has no course but to follow suit and dump USA assets or perish with its crazed child-murdering saxonic masters and Okinawa molesters. This is, as they say, "it".
- Taiwan export grows. That'd be thanks to China's demand , which has grown to 30 yr high. Sideline: Taiwan's biggest market is China and Chinese market has grown near 190%/2009. In the same period Taiwanese export to EUnuchs and yank baboons grew 40% and pifly 13% respectively. Now, can Taiwan really afford to have a row with Beijing today, even if armed with yank anti-civilian WMDs?
- In 2009 China has picked up ~10B USD worth of USA garage sales items or some 60 firms. And these baboon garage sale merchants wanted to rule the world. With or without escalation, it's good riddance to the freckly west christianic baboon swill. All west can do now is to choose the speed of its demise, nothing else!

E U EU - Greece is invaded by Brussels freckly EUnuchs under the pretext of bailout. Brussels attacks Athens with: "psychological and political aid" (not a joke); deficit cut of 4% of GDP by slashing social programmes by next month; raising 25B EUR by end of March; instant public wage freezes; immediate massive private sector layoffs; upping retirement age; full takeover of Athen's accounting books; and most astonishingly the strip of EUnuch vote. Yes, Greece has been invaded by the freckly saxonic child-murdering fiendishness.
- While the EUnuch takeover of Greece is underway, Germs and Netherlands prefer excommunicating Greece from the EUnuchzone, which is no more than pretext for Brussels to deny Greece bailout even after Greece accepts and complies with the EUnuch fiscal invasion terms.
- Greeks, unlike their EUnuch-rump-eating governance, respond by public sector strike 9 & 10Feb, and scheduling a gen'l strike for 24Feb. The only choice Athens has left now is to run from the west beast or be eaten alive by the EUnuch pedophile.
- Spain housing portfolio boasts 70B EUR default today.
- Spain raises retirement age to 67. How about lowering work age to 0,5 so that newborns can be sold to the west beast for organ harvest and sex slavery? Astonishingly, despite all the exhausting tonnes of evidence and NBN drivel, it doesn't seem clear to all just yet that peace or future aren't concepts that can coincide with west. Sideline: It should be cheered, however, that the EUnuch bizarre amalgam is one leg in its grave while it still dangles dirty diapers on the other.
- Not shockingly, Greece is seeking to sign up with Russia on SouthStream.
- Greece: bomb ruffles JPMoron's office, Athens, 16Feb.
- Greece: Turns out GoldSacks didn't chalk up loans as debts. This just to illustrate that all west #s are rubbish and all one can go by is the trends, which need be multiplied by 11-20, the typical west deceit range constant.
- France bank cabalist reveals that EUro is an extinct creature. Really? How is it that these econ vandals take so long to grasp such primitive facts?
- Swiss, angry with Germs buying stolen bank data for 215M EUR, threaten to expose Germ war junta tax dodging schemes. Yes, the pirates of the Caribbean are at it.
- Swiss, angry with USA baboons list Baboonarium riskier than Indonesia. Battle on west pirates from hell.
- Bulgaria joins comrade Obama's Barbarossa II nuke trench against Russia.
- Bulgaria, though happy to aim nukes on Moscow, begs Russia for a 2B EUR loan for nuke plant project.
- Yet, EUnuchs are flummoxed why Russia lists NATO as a threat. No, west mental drag cannot be overestimated.
- Germ export shriveled over 18% in 2009.
- Germ christianic school pedophile rapist ring expose grows to hundreds of victims and spreads to several schools confirming that west is a systemic pedophile sickness. Yes, schools to west are no more than child brothels. And this miscreant wants to dictate moral and even dress code.
- Germ consumer confidence shrivels yet again last month. At least, the Germ fanatics get where they're going this time.
- Nazis swarm in the streets in Germania again.

H A I T I Haiti - The advocate the USA child traffickers hired to defend them is under investigation for sex trafficking himself. No joke! All things west are this perverted, this diseased, this farcical, this crazed, this off scale. Yes, west is the definition of ridicule of humanity.
- The quake death toll at 230K.

I R A N Iran - Claims 20% enrichment success. West gnashes fangs.
- Saudis coerced by USA to somehow sway China against Iran. Saudis realise the impossibility of the task and tell warshingtonites off.

I R A Q Iraq - 15Feb, IED attack on west occupiers, Basra.
- 12Feb, occupation HQ shelled, Baghdad.
- 9Feb, occupation HQ shelled, Kirkuk.
- 5Feb, occupation HQ rocketed, Baghdad. (vid may be here:
- 5Feb, occupation patrol IED'd, Falluja.

15Feb, mortar attack on west occupation HQ, Baghdad.

14Feb, occupation patrol attack, Baquba.

13Feb, five Katusas hit occupation airport, Basira.

10Feb, occupation humvee hit, Ansar.

10Feb, occupation humvee hit, Jihadiya.

J A P A N Japan - USA launches econ warfare on the island for its anti-USA & pro-China stance: USA StandardPoor knocks Japan credit; enforce Toyota and Honda into giant billion losses over faulty floor mats. Sideline: Toyota led the pack for having angered USA in 2009 by not signing up with the GM (governance maggots) psychos.
- Toyota chief won't be attending to the USA governance recall charade. Anyone feeling the gloves are about to come off?
- Hatoyama facing "hyperinflation". This just to remind all of the west lies. Not long ago, they claimed "deflation", remember? All things west are 100% rubbish, if not totally bile rising sickness.

P A K I S T A N Pakistan - Some 200 USA troops invade. It's no longer just drone civilian massacres. It's troop invasion now.
- Comrade Obama escalates drone murders to 3/wk.
- School bombing that killed 9 linked to USA. The suicide bomber was escorted by USAns.

P A L E S T I N E Palestine - Gaza airport attacked by israel.
- 16Feb, Tanks attack houses in northern Gaza. Yes, west requires >10X advantage otherwise it does not dare attack. That's why it's reduced to barking on Iran and tries to assemble a gang of proxies against Russia.

Brave west WMD-armed forces battle terrorism one old woman at a time.

Erdogan states the obvious: "Save 1,5M Palestinians from the israeli seige" & "They [west] rise against hunting seals but watch the murder of children with phosphorous." Further, Erdogan correctly concludes that world's justice is now broken. Indeed, the west creature has destroyed the collective security and justice on this planet by perpetually and deliberately committing the biggest crimes possible as daily policy. In short, west is THE disease!

» Click to see the west beast's crime

R U S S I A Russia - Duty-free oil trade zone with Belarus.
- NATO boys sleaze up to Moscow again looking for a handout.
- As Gazprom takes over Ukraine's oil infrastructure, it concludes there are no attractive garage sale items in west at the moment.
- Shipped 1M tonnes of liquified gas to China.
- France hawking a warship to Moscow. USA is very angry but France needs a bit of real cash.
- 4-6B USD arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Another one getting pried away from the west harrowing baboon claws.

T U R K M E N I S T A N Turkmenistan - Connects Iran to a 20Bm3/annum Daulet-Khangiran pipeline after it slates all gas resources for Russia, China, and Iran. Where's west with its fiendish energy thirst? Listen careful... that faint scraping sound in the distance? That'd be the EUnuchs gnashing their fangs.

U A E UAE - Prolapsed Dubai's debt moratorium expires yet no plan's been made to settle the score. Some ideas of basically forgetting 40% of the debt have been mulled but as it is Dubai's headed for default.

Dubai intercepts Iraq historical artefact smuggling. Yes, the west magpie disease has looted the oldest artefacts of humanity. But how could west have any compassion for human history, being a bristly knuckle-dragging braindead monkey from hell itself.

U K UK - Publishes USA "cruel and inhuman" torture records. Comrade Obama is "deeply disappointed". Note here that the west Peace Tzar Obama isn't disappointed about the abominable west torture behaviour but about the squealing on it. West is the definition of absolute and total farce.
- Trade deficit bloats to 7,2B GBP/month in Dec. But Loondon "economists" said it would shrivel to 6,6. Yes, words like "scientist" or "economist" are just codes for "monkey".
- Like Germs, buying "stolen" Swiss bank info. It's all down to thug mafia crimes now in west among the west pirates juntas.
- UK divident shrivels 19%/2009 evaporating 10B GBP more than in 2008. Let's hope the cubicle poodles are happy hanging on to their miserable lots pretending not to be involved in the world's genocides and tortures their taxes are buying.
- 1 in 8 shops laid to waste on the drizzly isle by Moscow's 2006 petrodollar nuking.
- Issued fake passports for israeli assassins of M Mabhouh.

U K R A I N E Ukraine - Yanukovych takes over the reins of the west-raped nation ending the west harrowing plunder.
- First mandates are in: NATO gets the boot and Russian military/fleet is welcome to Crimea; Ukraine pipeline network goes to Gazprom ending Brussels' tries (remember EUnuchs molesting the pipelines last year?) to steal the oil infrastructure brokered in some March2009 "pact" Kiev's west clowns made with the west beast; another nation is joining NBN in recognising Abkhazia and S Ossetia; and Tymoshenko told to go away and shut up. No, this isn't the order, the west monkeys had wetdreamed when they murdered 3000 in NYC in 2001 to predicate their final crusade against all humanity.
- Tymoshenko's petulant election fraud screaming tossed out by election committee. Watch west fiends recruiting her for some orange revolt.

U N UN - UN, the world's sickness and genocide merchant is now saying that the earth is COOLING. Any old lie to predicate their eco-assault warfare on the planet. And as such they're setting up a finance fund of eco-dictate labeled cleverly "Climate Change Fund". Yes, west is THE disease, on every level, with every word, in every aspect.

U S A USA - Commercial Realty at 3,5T implosion levels. Expect much merriment.
- 1 in 5 homes worth less than the debt on the title.
- Negative equity rises to 21%/Q4, rising 4/10th over xmess season. That means yank baboons are voluntarily and happily sinking deeper.
- Yank dwelling value plunges 5%/y2y across the board, with pockets registering 50% and better plunges.
- 90 past due realty defaults rise. Sideline: Nothing can fix west. If they print cash, as they're doing, they'll eat hyperinflation and that much harder a prolapse. If they reflow cash, as they're doing, they'll eat unemployment, poverty, and face hundreds of millions of angered neanderthals. If they succeed in provoking WWIII, as they're doing, they'll eat nukes. It's that simple.
- Foreclosures make another record in Dec, it's now 1 in 1000 homes or so. And this is all while the entire USA housing is on a 1,2T lifeline. That's TRILLION! If this is fun, wait till the lifeline is unplugged, at the end of March. Expect much merriment.
- So where are all the foreclosed baboon hovels going? Down Soros' and GoldSacks pockets, of course. And that's not all! The west banksters created a FDIC-1West scam to not only privitise baboon's realty at 60-70% of value but to also get cash from the baboon for the rest of the value. This is akin to private confiscation of property and cash to boot. Too bad, the yank baboon is such a cretinous animal otherwise it would be fun watching it writhe in pain as the Grand Land and Wealth Reform strips it naked and flogs it for good measure. OK, so we know where the baboon dwellings are going, but where is the baboon going? Who cares is the only responsible answer.
- JPMoron and GoldSacks top dictators give selves 17M and 9M each as another bonus right off the "bailout" or baboon's cash. Are baboons angry? No, they don't understand a thing. They haven't even unwound the pathetic case of the 911 self-abuse.
- Central wank to begin siphoning 2,2T USD out of USA econ. This is very much the eve of the most expected event in history of this planet, akin to not only unplugging an anemic patient from plasma bottles but also bloodletting him from the jugular into the bargain.
- Freddie and Fannie 51B USD bailout turns out is NOT enough. There's a shock! So to save the day, comrade Obama imposed "NO limits" on baboons' cash to save the west chief usury despot. So far there's been some 110B USD pumped into the prolapsing relics of the capigalist cesspit.
- Unemployment stat masturbators lower rate to some 9%. They managed this despite ~20K baboons were zapped in Jan. How did they perform this miracle? They postponed the #s. It's actually the usual half mil (473K) baboons that were zapped.
- Califoreigna, Fluorida, 0hio, Illnoise, and Michigone all boast unemployment of 15% or better.
- Los Angeles credit "negative" now.
- Comrade Obama urging sanctions on Iran yet again. Brazil, China, and Russia remain unmoved by the west's pangs of crazed jive blither.
- Peace laureate comrade Obama prosecutes 15 yr old child, who has been tortured for 7 yrs in USA concentration camps for war crimes. No, the farcical pedophile insanity that defines west cannot be invented.
- Pension fund short by 1T, that's TRILLION. How just! Let the old baboons eat dirt too.
- USA father waterboards own 4 yr old daughter to teach her alphabet. Yes, they're all psychos. Total and complete psychos.
- Baboon shootout leaves 3 dead in Alabama.
- 30% of USA nuke reactors are now leaking. And these idiots want to rule the planet. Russia has an apt term for USA: "Painted Rust".

V E N E Z U E L A Venezuela - Building refinery with Iran in Syria.

Y E M E N Yemen - Another spotty ceasefire in effect with Yemen governance. Quiet on the north front heard. be cont'd as it all piles up.


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Anonymous said...

I see the pro-American shills are still desperately peddling their "Illuminati" and "American Debt" deceptions--even as they insist on how "anti-Western" they are.

Sadly, all the political cover offered by these faux dissidents cannot obscure the fact that American Dollar Empire has allowed the USA to extract massive wealth from other countries (under the lie that they are loans).

The USA is a like mafia gangster who demands that you "loan" him some money ... or else. Whether he decides to pay you back or not will be based on his whims and self-interest alone.

And America has gotten away with this financial extortion since 1971 when Nixon took the dollar off of gold. Other countries have already "taken it lying down" for the past few decades.

Those people who spout rhetoric about "American debt" are of course attempting to cover for this parasitic American system and even cast the America vampire as a victim of usury!

In fact, America's Dollar Empire is one of the most predatory and parasitic financial systems in history--one that the USA has benefitted from.

There have been analyses of American Dollar Imperialism posted here and elsewhere. The fact that people ignore them and continue to promote the "American Debt" meme reveals WHOSE INTERESTS they really serve.

America: Host or Parasite?

Super Imperialism
The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance

From: The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse

"When in 1970-1971 foreigners demanded payment for their dollars in gold, The U.S. Government defaulted on its payment on August 15, 1971. While the popular spin told the story of “severing the link between the dollar and gold”, in reality the denial to pay back in gold was an act of bankruptcy by the U.S. Government. Essentially, the U.S. declared itself an Empire. It had extracted an enormous amount of economic goods from the rest of the world, with no intention or ability to return those goods, and the world was powerless to respond— the world was taxed and it could not do anything about it."

As for Illuminati, if you believe in the Illuminati, you also probably believe in Santa Claus.

Anonymous said...

Afghanistan, the mysterious war
The US covets Iran's oil reserves but Iran has strong conventional armed forces. They would be difficult to defeat as Saddam Hussein found. Worse, although the US intelligence services themselves report that it does not have a nuclear weapons programme, Iran’s growing U235 enrichment capability might give it the ability to create nuclear weapons in a relatively short time. This could be the explanation why the US is at pains to discover what knowledge of nuclear weapons construction Iran possesses and the importance it places on past research which, with current International Atomic Energy Agency inspections, would seem to be irrelevant.
It is not, we might conjecture, merely that the US wishes to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Afghan resistance and Washington’s failure to quickly invade and control Iran prevents the US from controlling the entire Middle East and world oil exports. Meanwhile, Iran’s continued independence allows it to further develop its potential for nuclear weapons production as well as maintaining its potential for acting as a focus of resistance in the Middle East. If Iran were to have nuclear weapons it might justifiably use them against Israel or the US bases in Iraq and Afghanistan in the event of an attack against it.
This, then, is Afghanistan’s importance. I suggest that Afghanistan is in itself unimportant. It appears that the US considered that invading and holding Afghanistan would be easy, as in fact it was at first. The invasion was probably conceived as a classical army manoeuvre in outflanking Iran which, along with Iraq, were the primary targets. Control of Afghanistan on Iran’s eastern side, together with Iraq on Iran’s western border makes enforcement of sanctions against Iran more effective and facilitates invasion. This was probably the reason why the US chose to attack Afghanistan and the Taliban, against whom it has no legitimate quarrel, on the pretext that they “gave safe haven” to Al-Qaeda. Having made this error, it finds disengaging to be highly problematic.
If this analysis is correct, the Afghan Taliban are effectively defending the rest of the world from a US-planned economic meltdown in delaying a US attack on Iran and a crisis with China. If such an event should occur, there would be widespread suffering, starvation and the devastation of many economies. This would suit US purposes as such countries could not easily challenge the exploitation of their resources, whether mineral or agricultural. The US has proved itself to be indifferent to the suffering of others while loudly proclaiming its championship of the poor and oppressed.

Anonymous said...

Afghanistan (Conclusion)
A new cold war with Russia
Ideally, the US would like the European Union as partner in this adventure and with the traitor Anthony Blair’s assistance has succeeded in involving the EU as far as invading Iraq and Afghanistan. However, the position of the EU is increasingly equivocal. In concert with Russia as an energy and resources supplier, the EU could maintain a reasonable equilibrium if the US should trigger world economic meltdown. The US appears to be determined to undermine such a relationship. To this end it persists in installing missiles on Russia’s border against all reason. After much talk about cooperation with Russia on arms, the US is currently in talks with Romania with a view to installing interceptor missiles on its territory. The only purpose that these could possibly have is as a provocation and disruption of EU-Russian relations. We have also seen the US-inspired Georgian provocation of Russia and problems with transit of Russian gas through Ukraine. A return to cold war relationships with Russia would be the US ideal.
At some point the US must retrieve jobs from China and Asia generally. This might occur during a period of world instability following a US financial meltdown or specific cause for breaking off relations with China in particular might be found. China’s support of Iran would be a useful pretext. The present situation in which China holds, in the form of US debt, an economic weapon against the US is intolerable from what we know of the US and its obsession with power and control.
In summary, a situation exists in which it may be in the interests of the United States to seek a “cold war” situation with Russia and China as a pretext for defaulting on its external debt, attacking Iran, taking direct control of all Middle Eastern oilfields and effective control of Europe. There are indications in the US’s NATO First Act and the military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan that such a plan may be in progress.
Let us contemplate this thought: Far from being enemies of Europe, the Afghan Taliban and Iran may be unknowingly holding off a chaotic world economic meltdown planned by the United States and Israel.

Anonymous said...


Take a look at this photo:

Doesn't this Yank general (MacArthur) look more like a geriatric patient in a nursing home?

Compare him to Soviet generals like Zhukov and Voroshilov -- who resemble real men.

Anonymous said...

Russia, China pledge to step up economic cooperation - February 28, 2010
Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui and Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs president Alexander Shokhin committed to increasing trade and economic cooperation between the two countries at a meeting in Moscow Friday.
Li spoke highly of the rapid development of the China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation, as well as the contribution made by Shokhin and the Russian Union.
Li said he hoped the Union would make full use of its advantage, and play a positive role in facilitating exchanges between enterprises and guilds from the two countries to raise cooperation to a new high.
He said the Chinese embassy in Russia was willing to provide all necessary assistance to this end.
Shokhin said Russia and China had made rich achievements in cooperation in various fields. Despite a decline in bilateral trade amid the global economic crisis, the Chinese investment in Russia kept growing and the bilateral trade structure continued to improve, he said.

Anonymous said...

23:18 - So how does American Dollar Imperialism square with the ongoing prolapse? Everything else is hair-splitting, more or less. Illuminati probably exist, as do the Freemasons. But they are of little interest in understanding where the world is headed. The one essential question remains: Economic prolapse, terminal or not?

Anonymous said...

re: 9:58

What you are seeing is a crisis in the global capitalist system, in which the American Dollar Empire in particular is (deservedly) coming unglued.

This is what all American vermin fear--including many self-styled critics here.

After all, their way of life and privilege are based upon maintaining this American Dollar Vampire's financial bloodsucking of the world.

If you want to know whose political interests the vast majority of supposed "analysts" or oppositional critics here serve, just look at their background: they are middle class American, Western, or bourgeoisie.

In short, the greatest scum on the planet.

Illuminati bogeyman can't distract from that reality.

poiuytr said...

10:23 -- Olympics & The Germ Zundel-Greek paradox

I used to like it, but it's nothing but another propaganda-WMD for the west beast, which began with Mr Samaranch selling Olympics to the west bidders. It's all disease and the Freeworld oughtta stop participating in the west rubbish advertisement and racist-hatred whipping "games".

> "The Germs haven't come to terms with anything in their past, present or future."

Germs gave the world 2 world wars, psychotic torture then and now, endless genocide. But they're the super-people. West is totally rancid through and through pile of manure. It's as laughable as unbelievable but here it is, everyday, spelt out in their own headlines that define the planet's disease.

I'd nearly pay to see what sort of trash Germs put in their textbooks about 30s and 40s or actually about their entire existence. It must as laughable as USA, UK, France, Spain, Aussie, etc the whole damn west cesspit.


13:17 -- "IMF suggested Friday the organization might one day be called on to provide countries with a global reserve currency.."

Oh, if only, dear IMF. These pathetic wretches are hoping they'll be let into the Freeworld's markets now. It's funny how the west beast, till its last breath, keeps trying to sink its claws somehow, somewhere into the planet for more rape.

Alas, the answer shall remain, this freakish interest slaver creature's fate is that of the west cesspit.

> "Abolish the IMF, abolish the World Bank and all other associated organisations."

Consider it abolished. They're floated by the west mad cash prints and gold-plated tungsten brick garage sales. No part of west is necessary and shall remain standing through the west's terminal prolapse, including these clever west christianic boys who pray to the west child-murdering god to be "called upon" to print cash for the Freeworld. West psychos are really this deranged. It seems off scale, and it is, but it's reality. West is this insane. But alas, IMF like WB are finished entities like GM and the whole west product line.

poiuytr said...

21:05 -- Drockton rubbish

Drockton proves, yet again, that even the west dissent is so confused, brainwashed, and so patently psycho that it's truly just spam. But... let's be specific to quell the west baboons screeching as they pee their panties waiting for another saviour.

> and future alliance between Russia, Japan and China is a prelude to

There is no alliance twixt anyone. It's just the west beast and the planet. The sick 10% of the predominantly christianic and 99% saxon-led world decided to rape into submission and murder all who they don't like a decade ago. That's all!

If there is polarisation among the 90% of the planet who doesn't much fancy being murdered or enslaved by the west baboon, it's all down to the west child murdering psychotic evil.

Drockton's claim is just more west anti-Russian propaganda and something one would expect to spew out of BBCNN mindrape.

> the next war; East versus West. I also believe that part of their

Here Drockton doesn't get it, does he? If there is WWIII, it's not East v West. It's 90%, not just some east as per the Loondon's greenwitch grid, of the planet against the west cesspits.

> "The Western Illuminati created both Communism and Fascism to destroy whole races they view as undesirable, and to ultimately "

Here Mr Drockton credits some shadowy faction of west in attempt to exonerate the west baboons. Don't be so modest, Drockton! It's the christianic white children who are murdering, torturing children around the planet in no less than 7 nations. It's that Cindy Shehan's kid and her for sending her sonny to murder, rape, and torture someone else's children so that Cindy could have a nice happy retirement in her baboon hovel. Not some illuminati obese monkey, but the very west taxpayers, or to be really clear the west baboons.

> "90%. They will move towards this goal with a global conflict that will be known as World War III. This will be a war of extermination"

For pete's sake, Drockton. It's obvious west is moving towards WWIII. You read that where? NBN? Everyone's talking WWIII now. So no new info here either. Just the typical west saber rattling. The baboons are good at screeching their fangs.

> "According to the Book of Revelations, this global conflict will wipe 1/3rd of the world's population completely off the map and will"

Book or revelation is patent rubbish, like BBCNN, like all things west. But baboons love building arguments based on nonsense. They love evaporating Boeings. They can't get enough of self-imploding and self-melting buildings. They're all psycho monkeys.

> street and that debt makes them our Masters. Its called the "Golden Rule". The person with the gold makes the rules. The Chinese have used

Not so at all. It may be called Golden Rule in west for they are monkeys that love shiny bling bling, especially their anemic royalties. However, gold remains inedible and west, without cash, can't even feed itself. Hence the very existential problem that the west econ prolapse is becoming before our amused eyes.

poiuytr said...

21:05 Pt2

> build-up. Instead, we are throwing our resources at appeasing our creditors in the derivatives market. The combined populations of

Another disagreement! West uses bribes and then violence. The most recent case is Helmand. Talib refused their billions and so they attacked. They've been bribing China with sundry titles to banks and factories and property just like Saudis and Japan's top. But at some point always comes a point when west couldn't pay enough to propel their proxy policies and so west reaches for violence. That's why USA/UK have been in perpetual war ever since.... ever since EVER!

The difference today is that the Freeworld is armed and getting armed and the west beast is running out of defenceless children to slake its evil bloodthirst on, that's so natural and innate to the saxonic christianic herds of baboons.

> "I believe that the Western Illuminati have indeed capitulated. I "

There definitely is such a thing as illuminati and masons, and CFRs, bohemian grovers, and skull and bones, and catholics, and friends of alemania clubs and many many other such crazed organisations across the west cesspits. But this has nothing whatever to do with any of that.

This is just the nuking of the dollar monopoly and thusby the entire west-wide econ.

USA was arguably broke and its cash was out of control in mid 90s. 911 was a pre-emptive strike against the world in attempt to re-establish west's rapist dominance over the world. That's all! Whether created by some devilish horned Alister-Crowley-praying illuminatist or just some west monkey, it doesn't matter. The entire west is THE disease. Children in Afghanistan, Iraq are tortured by west lowliest echelons. Not one is probably an illuminatist among the west legions so don't waste your or our time with rubbish tales of some clandestine warfare.

Nothing's clandestine here! West is murdering everyone it can. There's no secrecy here! And west is broke and its econ decay has become west's very existential issue today. No need for reviews of west psycho secret cabals. It's all in the open, in every west headline.

> also believe that the East has recognized the need for the "Anglo-Saxon" governing class maintaining a facade for them. This

This is a crazed belief.

> submission can be observed in our President bowing to the Japanese Emperor, or capitulating to the latest demands from Beijing and Moscow.

This is utterly silly. Comrade Obama simply afraid of not having his hand shaken for his int'l embarrassment record is truly outstanding and worthy some Nobel prize.

And sales of 6B worth of arms to Taiwan and debating a revolt with Dalailama seems like "capitulating to Beijing"? Silly rubbish...

I'm tired of the baboon Dockhead's diatribe. It's just beyond belief... west are such total bristly orangutans, down to the last baboon.

poiuytr said...

21:05 - Pt3

> assassinations in the East. Expect World War III.

If there is WWIII, west is gone. Expect that. And someone in west will understand that and likely despite all west's insanity, west legions shall be bloodled in local conflicts.

Los Malvinas come to mind, as the west beast's flank is open.

This Drockton stuff is nonsense and I apologise for responding to it. If there is WWIII, it's gonna be provoked by the beast, no one else, for no one else benefits from it. Time is the Freeworld side. Every single day that WWIII is avoided, the Freeworld gets stronger and the west weaker and there's no force in west to change its tomb-bound course.

But one thing should be highlighted in Dockhead's amazing musings. West baboons, down to the last one, are all obsessed with war.


poiuytr said...

23:35 -- re: 21:10 (Response to Dockhead's wetdreams)

> LOL. I see the Western (i.e. American) propagandists are up to their all lies on this site again.

Indeed. Perhaps we're being "cognitively infiltrated". The evil ones are, of course, Russians, Chinese, and Japanese. After all, look at the Toyota butchers! The door mats set up to entrap the poor western customer. And Honda! They oughtta arraign Honda boss at Hague and charge him with war crimes. LOL West and its creatures, it's laughable.

> Whenever, the Anglo-Americunts start to rant about the "Illuminati," you can be sure they are trying to divert attention from the real problem: American Empire and Western Imperialism.

Beautifully spotted!

> The "Illuminati meme" is a propaganda meme--similar to David Icke and his shape-shifting lizard creatures or Jeff Rense and his UFO nuttery.

Yes, poor west workers. They just send their kids to the army. They're not evil.

The west clawpointing and psychotic exonerations via electing illuminati, jews like Duke/Rense, comrade Obama liberal socialism, USA central bank, CFR, the west war contractors trying to make a bit of cash from wars, etc... all the typical scapegoats. The argument isn't that these factions don't exist within the west psychosis. They do and indeed they're made of west, which is the definition of war-obsessed baboonary, but the disease here is THE WEST, the entire west cesspit with all its war-crazed herds of genocide supporting baboons.

> The person that posted this shit obviously is a pro-Western cunt of some sort.

I don't know. Possibly. Or they believe it. West actually believes this rubbish. David Icke has fans in west. They love Hollywood nonsense and big words and simple premises, preferably without any numbers in the arguments and they love to be exonerated and finger pointing. It's too bad that the baboon is such a cretinous creature otherwise it would stop entertaining self with tales of skull and bones and instead enjoy its wonderful demise. But maybe that's what drives it. They're escaping their own reality. Or it's a Rumsfeldian shill, although if that's what it was, I'd expect shorter words and even simpler rantings like "USA is great" and stuff like that.

> In this case, Drockton accuses Russia, China, and Japan of wanting to attack the poor Imperialist West.

Right! West isn't the evil one is the message there. It's pathetic. BBCNN-level pathetic. I'm sorry I got carried away and tried replying to it for your commentary blows mine out of the water.

> Also, notice the almost morbid fascination with World War III that these Anglo-Americunts seem to have in their bogus "analyses."

I wrote that someplace and I swear I didn't read ahead. Right! Full agreement! West herds are raised to crave and love and be attracted to blood, violence, and torture. West is THE disease, in short.


poiuytr said...

6:21 -- "Yanks protest and belly-ache about the "great sin" of abortion, but these very same people do not utter a word of protest regarding the other kind of abortion that the US regularly carries out in places far away like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.?"

Right. All things west are this perverted. All west policies are based on this type of psychotic reasoning. And the reason is simple. West is a parasitic racist beast. It has no interest in life as such. West hates humanity and is working around the clock in its entire existence to destroy it any which way.

It even sacrifices own life like in 911 or Loondon77 to lay pretext for more wars.

The simplest, though somewhat general answer, is "west is THE disease".


9:14 - Marjah News Update


Looks like Germs are sending more troops to help the genocide.


9:32 -- "What counts is the terminal economic prolapse facing war-mongering west, prolapse brought about by their monopoly l"

Indeed! And we're witnessing it right now.

The funny thing is that, say, 2 yrs ago, west wasn't even talking its econ prolapse. They had some sundry debates about local subprime issues but none of the west baboons, including the west beloved dissent saviour league, had figured that west fiscal prolapse is terminal, unavoidable, and imminent.

Today, now that they're finally documenting their west bankster heists, their own mounting foreclosures, and growing food stamp lines, they propose financial answers like reprinting cash, launching ameros, and stuff like that. None of them get that it's over and all west can choose now is whether it goes a bit more slowly in a west-wide wall-to-wall prolapse or fast in a blaze.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for above. I quite agree: the greatest scum on the planet is now slowly being removed with a giant spoon. A clear mind and good nerves, that's what one needs as the west goes under.

Anonymous said...

Poiuytr, the best sentence in your commentary above was: each day WWIII is put off is one more day for the Freeworld to grow stronger. It puts everything in the right perspective. We're all caught up in the waiting game now. That's all it is now, wait, wait and wait somemore until the west hordes also reach the realisation that the game is up. And give up.

Anonymous said...

Greece Now, U.K. Next as Scots Ready for Pound Plunge

Note how the rats are leaving the sinking ship:
March 1 -- While the eyes of the world focus on Greece’s debt crisis, investors in Edinburgh are busy preparing for the U.K. to be next.
Turcan Connell, which caters to rich families, expects the pound to lose between 20 percent and 30 percent against the dollar once investors turn their sights on Britain as the government sells a record amount of debt. Sterling slid to a 10- month low versus the U.S. currency today.

Anonymous said...

Yemeni forces clash with rebels - 1.3.10
The separatist rebels are leading a violent campaign against the rule of President Saleh
Yemeni security forces have clashed with rebels in the Southern Abyan province where separatists are campaigning against the rule of Ali Abdullah Saleh, the country's president. A government source said at least seven people were killed in the fighting on Monday.
North and South Yemen united under Saleh's presidency in 1990 but many in the south, home to most Yemeni oil facilities, complain that northerners have used unification to grab resources and discriminate against them.
Yemen's government struck a truce deal with Shia rebels on Feburary 11 who they had been fighting in the north, allowing them to turn their attention to the rebellion in the south.

Anonymous said...

'Upset' Russia seeks resignations
Medvedev blamed the poor showing on
lack of Soviet spirit
The Russian president has called on the country's Olympic officials to resign after an unprecedented poor showing at the 2010 Winter Games in Canada.
Dmitry Medvedev made the remarks on Monday after Russia finished 11th in the team standings, its worst achievement ever at the sporting event.
Medvedev said on national television: "Those responsible should take the brave decision and sign a letter of resignation…if they can't we will help them."
In the 2006 Winter Olympics, Russia was in the top five, with 22 medals, including eight golds.
Medvedev said the poor showing was the result of a lack of Soviet spirit.
"For a long time we have benefitted from Soviet achievements, at some point they ran out. We have lost the Soviet sports school, it is simply gone, but we have not formed our own system," he said.
Russians had their hopes crushed when their ice hockey team lost in the quarter finals and Viktor Plushenko, their figure skating hero, came second to an American.

After Plushenko was so disgracefully deprived of gold, the Russian team sort of folded up. A great pity. But Sotchi, here we come!

Anonymous said...

Leave no one behind

Socialism at its heart is simply the commitment not to leave any member of society behind. Laid bare, capitalism allows the strongest and most conniving to leave the maximum number of their fellow citizens not just behind, but battered and broken.

Anonymous said...

Ernst Zundel is finally a free man. He was released from jail today. I hope everyone joins me in rejoicing.

Anonymous said...

Tha Hague is having a high old time with so-called war criminal Radovan Karadzic, he of "the just and holy war" against the Muslims of Bosnia. But actually shouldn't we be awarding the man a medal for self-restraint, if we compare with the number of victims the west has managed to make among Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan and all other such places which have come under west attack?

Anonymous said...

Latest from Afghanistan Battlefields - 1.2.10
America’s Face-saving Propaganda About Marjah The invading American and NATO forces have announced that they are clearing the last pockets of resistance in Marjah but this is no more than an eye-wash. The fact is that the invading troops are now entangled in a long war in Marjah. The battles are going on in Marjah according to the tactical plan of Mujahideen. With the passage of every day, the enemy suffers life and material losses.
From the first day of operation February 13, 2010, the enemy troops have not been able to extend their writ to other areas of Marjah except areas, which were evacuated by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate at the beginning of the operations as per a tactical plan to encircle the enemy forces. When the enemy new strategy faced fiasco, they ludicrously announced to have cleared the areas. However, the ground realities are contrary to what they are claiming.

Kandahar & Surroundings
Martyrdom operation kills 11 Nato invading terrorists and destroyed 2 tanks near Kandahar There is a recent report from Kandahar province that a martyrdom operation targeted a Nato invaders military convoy Monday in Kandahar's Daman district, killing eleven Nato terrorists. The report indicates Abdullah, a brave Mujahid of Islamic Emirate, slammed his explosives-laden vehicle into the Nato invaders convoy crossing a bridge not far from Kandahar airfield on Kandahar-Boldak main road. Two of the Nato invaders tanks were destroyed which fell off the bridge in the martyr attack leaving eleven Nato terrorists dead, the report adds. According to the witnesses, the road was immediately closed to the traffic by the enemy to evacuate the dead and the wounded to the hospital. The attack comes as the U.S invaders military declares its fresh operation in Kandahar province.
Kandahar blast kills 22 puppet police terrorists and damages ten vehicles
Blast kills 3, injures 2 British invading terrorists in Kandahar
Heavy fighting breaks out in Zhari
Remote-controlled bomb blows up a puppet police vehicle in Kandahar
Another puppet police terrorists killed in Kandahar
2 Spanish invading terrorists killed in Badghis
Mujahideen capture 4 puppet Afghan army terrorists in Gerishk

Anonymous said...

NATO Poised for Enormous Kandahar Offensive
When NATO began its invasion of the Marjah farming region, the general consensus among analysts was that the offensive, the single largest operation since the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan against a relatively anonymous little town in the middle of nowhere, was mostly a “PR” invasion to sell the continued to an increasingly skeptical Western public.
But it is increasingly clear that wasn’t the whole story. Officials are now making it very plain that the invasion of Marjah was a “test” of a new strategy, that will be put into practice on a much larger scale with the invasion of Kandahar.
Add to this that a total ban on any unwanted press coverage of the Afghan war is being enforced and you get the picture: west in deep trouble in Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Europe Econ "News"
Just as Switzerland proudly claims that after three 09 quarters of negative growth, figures improved for the last quarter (believe at your own peril), Sweden gets it in the neck: Sweden unexpectedly slides back into recession.
Sweden’s economy unexpectedly slid back into recession in the fourth quarter, figures showed, sending the crown lower and raising questions about how soon interest rates will rise.
Gross domestic product contracted 0.6 per cent in the fourth quarter from the third, against forecasts for a 0.3 per cent increase.
The third-quarter GDP figure was revised to show a 0.1 per cent quarterly decline from an original 0.2 per cent gain, the statistics office said.
Pound sterling is also in a distressed state owing to fears over forthcoming Brit election, or so goes the hype.

Anonymous said...

Karadzic (18:43) can easily be regarded as the shining precursor of all the other anti-Islam west crusaders who were about to stream into Muslim lands as the Twins Towers came in for demolition. Either he's a hero along with the others. Or, then, he should be judged at the same time as Bush-Blair and Co. But, no, Karadzic is that painful thing, a scapegoat. Nothing but a scapegoat.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what's wrong with the highly strung Zionist state? Absolutely uncontrolled hysteria, is the impression that comes across. It needs 26 Mossad agents to bring down one Hamas activist! Doesn't say much for Mossad efficiency, does it? It's treatment of Palestine is so sickening, even the strongest Israel supporter gets to throw up thinking about it. Not content with settlement rampage, it's begun attacks on Muslim holy sites, apparently believing no one is going to stop them there either. Its Bomb Iran mantra is about the lowest type of foreign policy any country could pursue. And within Israhell too things are far from rosy, with clampdowns on any form of opposition and the army no longer finding recruits to swell its ranks. Etc, etc. So what's up? Any answers?

Anonymous said...

Hitlery C. intervenes in Falklands row
US secretary of state says UK and Argentina should talk 'in a peaceful and productive way'. As though she knows the meaning of words like peaceful and productive.

Anonymous said...

EU Solidarity? Nothing but a joke
The Greek financial crisis exposes the absence of any real community spirit in the EU. The “solidarity” declared by the country’s EU partners is a solidarity with their own investments. There is no popular solidarity between peoples. The EU has established a surrogate ideology of internationalism: rejection of the nation-state as source of all evil, a pompous pride in “Europe” as the center of human rights, giver of moral lessons to the world, which happens to fit in perfectly with its subservience to United States imperial foreign policy in the Middle East and beyond. The paradox is that European unification has coincided with decreasing curiosity in the larger EU states about what happens to their neighbors.
Despite a certain amount of specialized training needed to create a Eurocrat class, the general population of each EU member is only superficially acquainted with the others. They see them as teams in soccer matches. They go on holiday around the Mediterranean, but this mostly involves meeting fellow tourists, and study of foreign languages has declined, except for English (omnipresent, if mangled). Mass media news reports are turned inward, featuring missing children and pedophiles ahead of even major political events in other EU member states.
Northern European media portray Greece practically as a Third World country, peripheral and picturesque, where people speak an impossible language, dance in circles on islands, and live beyond their means in their carefree way. The crickets in the Aesop fable, scorned by the assiduous ants.
Media in Germany and the Netherlands imply that IMF-style shock treatment is almost too good for them. The widening polarization between rich and poor, between and within EU member states, is taken for granted.
The smaller indebted countries within the EU are amiably designated by the English-speaking financial priesthood as the PIGS – Portugal, Italy (perhaps Ireland), Greece, Spain – an appropriate designation for an animal farm where some are so much more equal than others.

Anonymous said...

GM recall - 1.3 million Chevrolets and Pontiacs - 2.2.10
General Motors has recalled 1.3 million Chevrolet and Pontiac models in North America for power steering failures that are tied to 14 crashes and one injury in the United States, the company said Tuesday.
The recall affects 2005-2010 Chevrolet Cobalt and 2007-2010 Pontiac G5 models sold in the United States, 2005-2006 Pontiac Pursuit vehicles sold in Canada, and 2005-2006 Pontiac G4 models sold in Mexico.
Now what does this mean?

Anonymous said...

New ghost towns in US: Industrial communities teeter on the edge.
Whether it's textiles in the Carolinas, paper in New England or steel in the Midwest, most industrial cities and mill towns "are on pins and needles," says Donald Schunk, an economist at Coastal Carolina University. "Day to day, week to week, any manufacturing facility seems vulnerable. People don't know if they'll be there." The whole thing is akin to waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Anonymous said...

Since potshots are often taken at Global Research on this blog, I'll restrict myself to giving the link below. The article is entitled Prognosis 2012: Towrds a New World Social Order and its by someone called Richard K. Moore. It's about the post-capitalist, post-nuclear war world government to be led by bankers, trade being carried out not in currency but carbon credits and societies being governed through widespread social engineering. I found it interesting, if somewhat far-fetched.

Anonymous said...

Now Nissan is recalling its vehicles worldwide. After Toyota, Honda, VW and GM. Is this some new kind of sport? The Olympics of the defective car?

Anonymous said...

“The morons in Washington are pushing the envelope of nuclear war. The insane drive for American hegemony threatens life on earth. The American people, by accepting the lies and deceptions of “their” government, are facilitating this outcome.” And the entire West is actively backing this obscene, deadly showdown.

23:18 - You are absolutely right about the West's talent for the lurid and, at the same time, their growing, pathological loss of any sense of reality. Alas, though, daily the nuclear war issue seems to gain in force. After the repetition of so many lies, they have convinced themselves it has to be done, it can be done, it will be done. Where do we go from here?

Anonymous said...

The Spectre of Military Conflict. Georgia versus Russia: Fanning the Flames
by Eric Walberg - Global Research, March 2, 2010
Will there be another war in the Caucasus? This is a smoldering issue on more than one front in the first of a two-part analysis of the spectre of conflict in this crucial crossroads
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world expected a new era of peace and disarmament. But what happened? Instead of diminishing, US and NATO presence throughout Europe, thePersian Gulf, Afghanistan and Central Asia rapidly increased, and the world experienced one war after another -- in the Caucasus, Yugoslavia , Iraq and Afghanistan , each one hotter and more horrible than the last. And we are far from seeing the end to the savagery now unleashed by the anti-communist jinni.
Though a pokey backwater for the past millennium, the south Caucasus is now a key battleground, the “critical strategic crossroads in 21st century geopolitics”, writes analyst Rick Rozoff, the focus of ambitious energy transit projects and a military corridor reaching fromWestern Europe to East Asia, controlled (or not so “controlled”) from Washington and Brussel.
Surely peace in this vital region should be a paramount goal for both Russia and the West, for their own reasons -- Russia because, well because it is there and its cultural and economic links are vital to Russia ’s well being. The US, if only to benefit economically, since peace everywhere is a boon to economic well being and logically should be blessed by the world’s superpower, whether or not it is a benevolent one.
But this logic has been betrayed -- egregiously, in the case of US abetting Georgia in its disastrous war against Russia in 2008, less obviously in likely covert US and other involvement in Chechnyaand its neighbours, as well as in the Armenia-Azerbaijan stand-off over Nagorno Karabakh.
Topping the list in recent times are Abkhazia and South Ossetia, where firebrand Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili struts and threatens, running from one NATO gathering to another, embracing one US military envoy after another, as he shakes his fist at his northern nemesis and vows to retake his breakaway territories Abkhazia and South Ossetia, now fully fledged republics. This pits a NATO hopeful against a NATO foe, and despite the fact that NATO expressly forbids membership to any country with disputed borders, it continues to vow that Georgia will soon be a full member, a project that can only mean war with Russia.

With profuse apologies for once again quoting the hated site. But this is important, I think.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 10:28 - Don't you recognise panic-mongering when you see it? Nuclear war, sure, they'd just love it, the West. But not this time round, I don't think. Too much advance notice has been given the Freeworld. They're not just sitting around, their hands in their laps. Heck, they can't even win the war in Afghanistan. And you think they can go nuclear?

Then there's clever, clever China. Without any fanfare at all, they've launched a Green Rev in their country: China bolted past competitors in Denmark, Germany, Spain, and the United States last year to become the world’s largest maker of wind turbines, and is poised to expand even further this year.
China has also leap-frogged the West in the last two years to emerge as the world’s largest manufacturer of solar panels. The West may someday (if it's still around by then, that is) trade its dependence on oil from the Mideast for reliance of solar panels, wind turbines, and other gear manufactured in China, as the Chinese come to dominate practically all renewable energy technologies.

Anonymous said...

US warship conducts joint training with Georgia - 3.3.10
BATUMI: US naval forces started exercises with Georgia’s coastguard on Tuesday along the Black Sea coast, in a sign of Washington’s support for the government of President Mikheil Saakashvili.
The start of the two-day exercises came as Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said it had finished setting up a coastguard division in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. Black Sea tensions have eased since a row last year over the seizure by the Georgian coastguard of ships trying to trade with Abkhazia, recognised by Russia as an independent state after a brief war with Georgia in 2008.
Moscow’s military crushed an assault by Georgia’s US-trained military on the breakaway pro-Russian territory of South Ossetia in a five-day war in August 2008.

Anonymous said...

Who's the worst "anti-semite". Ernest Zündel? Wrong. Germany's Fear of Finkelstein
March 2, 2010 - Norman Finkelstein, an internationally renowned scholar of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, was due to talk about the state of the decades-old conflict and the situation in Gaza one year after the Israeli assault last week in Munich and Berlin. As part of a European speaking tour which would have led him to Germany for the first time since 2002, Finkelstein has been invited to speak in Prague at a number of prestigious institutions, such as the Institute of International Relations Prague, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at Charles University in Prague. One of Finkelstein’s Berlin lectures was initially planned to be sponsored by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, an institution affiliated to the German Green Party. The event was scheduled to take place at the Protestant Trinitatis Church. In a statement announcing its decision to cancel the event, the church "regrets to have been implicated, against its will and its publicly known stances, in anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli polemics"...

Anonymous said...

Talking about Zundel
His trial in Canada made Nurmberg look fair by comparison
1. Zundel was not allowed to be present at his trial
2. Zundel's lawyer was not permitted to be present at the trial
3. Zundel and his lawyer got an edited summary of the testimony against him
4. The judge was a former politician who once had responsibilty for the Canadian spy agency, CSIS, which was created largely to 'get' Zundel
5. The Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear Zundel's appeal but allowed his extradition to Germany
6 The court did strike down the entire law (based on soneone else's appeal) but waited until two weeks after Zundel was sentenced in Germany before striking it down.

New charges to be found against him soon? Hope he finds refuge in a proper place this time.

Anonymous said...

Layoffs in US (3.3.10)
. US Postal Service to shed another 30.000 jobs
. Upto 5.200 LA school workers facing layoffs
. New IBM layoffs
. 15.000 SF city workers face layoffs, shorter weeks
Unemployment Rate Falls in January
Despite the mixed numbers, a growing chorus of economists and labor market analysts say the unemployment picture in the United States is actually far worse.
They argue that the Labor Department routinely undercounts the number of unemployed in this country, adding fuel to a simmering debate on whether the government is providing an accurate snapshot of the nation's unemployment picture.

Anonymous said...

. NY state cuts revenue estimate by $850 million
. Indiana state took in $85.5 million less in taxes than what was predicted only three months ago
Direct consequence of 16:08. The problem is the states have been relying on the Federal Government reports of unemployment to calculate their expected tax revenues. But, as the corporate media is now starting to admit, the Federal Government figures are "fudged" to make the unemployment picture look better than it really is, which means every single financial forecast based on official government figures is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Since we are talking about the month of January 10, what to make of below?
Mass Layoffs Increase in January
The number of people let go in mass layoffs rose in January after four straight months of declines.
Employers laid-off 182,261 workers, seasonally adjusted, in 1,761 mass layoff events last month, the Labor Department said Tuesday. A mass layoff is when a single employer terminates at least 50 people.
Probably the answer will be mass layoffs may have increased, but individual layoffs were down, hence the decrease in unemployment.

Anonymous said...

America more confident with big debt to China
(part one) - 3.3.10
The event under discussion did not merely concern money and global finances. It had something to do with the world order's "load-bearing" structures. Although this turns out to be a mistake, it has scared many people.
On February 16, the U.S. administration confirmed the assessment figures received by the media from private research agencies on February 12. According to the analysis, China, which owned the majority of U.S. Department of the Treasury securities in 2009, has ceded first place to Japan. In December 2009, the U.S. government owed $755.4 billion to China and another $768 billion to Japan.
In effect, two events have taken place. The second implies that the United States now considers Japan more important, if only symbolically. However, the first event cannot be called a mere trifle. According to various reports, the changes were caused by Chinese sales of U.S. securities worth $34.2 billion starting in November 2009. At the same time, Japan bought $11.5 billion in such securities. This is the most serious aspect. Does this mean that U.S. securities worth such tremendous amounts are being dumped? Does this mean that the world no longer wants to finance the United States in exchange for its debentures?
The total U.S. debt now exceeds $12 trillion and accounts for about 90% of the country's annual GDP. The United States has noticed the following principles of the current world order: Washington borrows money from everyone but will probably never repay its creditors. In exchange, it promises to strengthen the security of all nations, to replace dictatorships with democratic regimes and to make the world better in every respect.
And now it turns out that China is selling off U.S. securities. What is happening? Has the second global power decided to push the first power from its shaky pedestal? And what about Japan whose economy is larger than China's, but who plays a miniscule political role in the world? Does this mean that both countries will now become America's main creditors? How can they be dealt with? And what issues can be discussed with them?
This sensation lost momentum in early March after it turned out that statistical records did not take into account Chinese financial operations in London. Everything happened the other way round. Beijing sold $34 billion in U.S. securities but bought almost four times as much. Consequently, America's debt to China increased by $139.4 billion. So, China is still the Number One with $894.8 billion, followed by Japan with $768.8 billion.

The United States has calmed down because it is used to owing a lot of money to China.

Except for some funny "ancillary circumstances," this incident could have been forgotten. Numerous Chinese officials and analysts were unaware that other branches of the national government still had not written off the United States. The Chinese Foreign Ministry's spokesman Qin Gang said the country was managing its currency reserves as it saw fit, so that such reserves did not become depreciated. Second, the United States should take action in order to boost investors' confidence in the dollar.

Anonymous said...

America more confident with big debt to China
(part two)

What does the dollar have to do with this? Analysts of Renmin Ribao (People's Daily), the mouthpiece of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, have voiced some curious and interesting opinions. They say the permanent issue of "empty" dollars is the only way to cope with the constantly expanding U.S. debt and budget deficit. This serves to devalue U.S. foreign debt which is denominated in dollars. Consequently, the Chinese government has worked out a policy for slowly reducing or expanding the volume of U.S. securities it owns.
In effect, Beijing is teaching America how to manage its economy and is also issuing a warning. It should also be recalled that the key Chinese-U.S. dispute revolves around the yuan's exchange rate which Washington believes is artificially understated. This makes American goods uncompetitive on all markets, including the U.S. market.
Beijing responds that the dollar has become depreciated to such an extent under President Barack Obama that this is tantamount to raising the yuan's exchange rate by almost 20%. Add to this dollar issuance to cover debt and the budget deficit.
Still, Beijing is not omnipotent. It is true that China first began to dump U.S. debentures and then turned around and bought them when the rate began to plunge. Please note the word "slowly" mentioned above. Beijing would lose in any respect because all-out debenture sales would only depreciate the dollar further.
The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.
MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Dmitry Kosyrev)

If the word "debt" is offensive to some, please to replace it by client-state "tribute".

Anonymous said...

As Greek PM visits Russia, both Webster Tarpley and W. Engdahl are on Russia Today warning us of economic warfare waged by Goldmann Sachs & Co on Greece in an attempt to defend the dollar. Soros, for instance, is charged with short-selling the euro. Is the present threadbare state of the euro and the strengthened dollar going to make any difference in the long run?

Anonymous said...

re: 18:12


The phony "dissidents" never give up, do they?

The more the truth about the American Dollar vampire is exposed, the more desperately the shills cry "American debt" and portray the USA as the victim of foreign nations like China--when in fact, the opposite is the truth.

This is the underlying propaganda message of these pants-soiling handwringers.

Indeed, all the empthy "anti-Western" rhetoric here cleverly never names the 1000 lb ogre in the living room: America and its Dollar Empire.

Replace your "debt" propaganda with the more honest--and less devious--phrase American financial bloodsucking, and you will have a case.

Otherwise, nice try, but no cigar.

Imperial tribute is what the entire world has paid to the American Empire, which has effectively turned the planet into its client state, colony, and satrap all into one.

But for some people here, they pretend that the USA is an honest broker and will repay its (cough) debts.

If you believe this American deception, you also believe Wall Street and General Motors will repay its bailout "loans" to the US government.

The very idea of "American debt" is straight out of Goebbels, Orwell, and the Pentagon Strategic Deception all rolled into one.

In all cases, the American exploiter claims to be a victim in a pathetic self-pitying fashion.


Anonymous said...

A modest challenge to all the propagandists who oh-so-helpfully spam articles here about "American debt" (sic):

Try to rebut the arguments of Michael Hudson about the financially parasistic nature of America and its Dollar Empire.

Super Imperialism
The Economic Strategy of American Empire

You might be slightly more convincing if you actually had an argument instead of regurgitating pablum about poor little America's (mythical) 'debts.'

Indeed, the very phrase "American debt" is like other propaganda phrases:

Weapons of Mass Destruction

War on Terrorism

Freedom and Democracy.

They are all catchphrases repeated ad nauseum to distort the truth and make up the American aggressor seem like the aggressed and the American exploiter seem like the exploited.

This must be an America-Lover's favorite tactic.

Anonymous said...

- Greek Govt presents new aausterity measures. Militants occupy premises of the Finance Ministry in Athens
- US hedge funds are suspected of betting against the Euro
- Dockers in Finland on strike
- Netherlands: Geert Wilders, "extreme-right" (whatever that means), anti-Muslim chap comes out big winner in local elections.
- Timoshenko govt out in Ukraine. Rival has free hand now.
- Some rioting on US campuses reported, not anti-war but anti-hike in tuition fees.

Anonymous said...

US raising money
Money will have to be found somewhere if the Fed is to avoid printing it. During the Clinton administration a Treasury official proposed a 15 percent capital levy on all private pensions to make up for their tax deferral status. This idea didn’t fly, but today a desperate government, which has wasted $3 trillion invading countries that pose no danger to the U.S. and wasted more trillions of dollars combatting a crisis brought on by the government’s failure to regulate the financial sector, is likely to steal people’s pensions as well as to gut Social Security and Medicare.
The reason is that the dollar’s role as reserve currency is at stake. If the Federal Reserve has to monetize the federal deficit, the world will turn its back on a rapidly depreciating dollar. The minute the dollar loses the reserve currency role, the U.S. can no longer pay its bills in its own currency, and its days as a superpower come to a sudden end. Wars can’t be financed, and Washington’s pursuit of world hegemony will hit a brick wall.
The power-mad denizens of DC will do anything to further the expansion of their world empire.

Anonymous said...

Russia Signs Major Deal to Sell 14 Soyuz Booster Rockets to France 03.03.2010 - Pravda
Jean-Yves Le Gall of France’s Arianespace confirmed rumors about the intention to purchase Soyuz booster rockets from Russia.
"We have ordered 14 Soyuzes from the Russian Federation; the contract's cost is about $1 billion. These are ambitious plans," Le Gall said at a Russian-French business forum, held as part of President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to France, RIA Novosti reports.
Russia and France signed an agreement for cooperation between Roskosmos and the National Space Research Center of France (CNES). The agreement details the plan of the Russian-French cooperation within the scope of the Ural program to build state-of-the-art booster rockets. The document also stipulates the construction of the launch system for Soyuz rockets at the Kourou space center in French Guiana.
Spokespeople for Russian and French space corporations said that the equipment had been 90 percent ready. Roskosmos said that it was ready to perform the first launch of the Russian rockets from the north-east of South America already during the second half of 2010.
It is worthy of note that NASA officials acknowledged recently that Soyuz-TC was the best booster in the world. It was the best promotion that the Russian space technology could have in the world. Therefore, it is not ruled out that Russia will sell more than 14 rockets.
And get warships in return, one supposes. Hope Russia keeps France at a distance. Despite apperances, it is no friend to Russia.

Anonymous said...

'US debt-based money printing biggest theft in history' - 03 Mar 2010 - Press TV
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad asserts that the lingering global financial crisis has exposed the dark side of the capitalist economic system in the West, adding that the US will go down in history as the biggest thief ever.
In a Tuesday meeting with representatives of the Developing Eight (D8) countries, Ahmadinejad reiterated that western-style capitalism is the main reason behind the endless wave of problems plaguing global financial organizations, particularly in the US.
The Iranian president added that Western countries should face up to the fact that the greed of capitalism has pushed it into the brink of collapse.
"The whole idea of capitalism is based on emptying the pockets of world's nations to secure the interests of a selected few," he emphasized.
"Based on credible reports, the US Treasury over the past 30 years has printed more than USD 29,000 billion (USD 29 trillion) in debt-based banknotes and has given it to nations in exchange for goods. This method is the biggest theft in human history," said the Iranian president.
Ahmadinejad also urged D8 member states to drop the American dollar in their various financial dealings and business transactions in the future.
Representatives from the D8 member states have gathered in Tehran to discuss ways of promoting economic and industrial cooperation.
The D8 members consist of Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey.

Hudson's good on the economy, but Iran isn't bad either.

Anonymous said...

NATO plans military exercises near Russian border (Ria Novosti, 3.3.10)
NATO has announced it will hold military exercises involving fighter planes over the Baltic Sea this month, the first in a series of military drills to be held this year near the Russian border.
The Baltic Region Training Event training mission will take place over the former Soviet republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and will involve French Mirage 2000C, Polish F-16, and Lithuanian L-39 Albatross fighters, along with U.S. aerial tankers.
The exercises will demonstrate "NATO solidarity and commitment to its member countries in the Baltic region," a spokesman for the Allied Air Headquarters said.
The military events will continue in June in northern Estonia, where up to 500 U.S. Marines and Estonian soldiers will be involved in a ten-day drills about a hundred km from the Russian border, Russia's Kommersant daily said on Thursday.
Another joint military exercise of NATO and the Baltic states will be held in Latvia this autumn. Involving over 2,000 personnel from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and the U.S., the exercise will be the largest in the area since the three countries joined the alliance in 2004.
Leaders of the three former Soviet Baltic states have repeatedly spoken in favor of large-scale military exercises in the region with the participation of NATO's European contingent since the August 2008 war between Russia and Georgia.

And this one too, as with most things west, Russia will take lying down, no doubt. More's the pity.

Anonymous said...

Greece told to sell its islands
German MPs suggest Greece should sell off its islands and ancient artefacts to cut debts
What should Britain sell to cut the national debt?

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea!
I reckon Turkey might be interested... And the Subcontinent in parts of Britian
Dumb nuts those two stupid MPs...
You get the Government you deserve!
Stupidity knows no borders...

Anonymous said...

Greece's new austerity plan - a mixture of tax increases and spending cuts - is designed to save around $6.5bn.
It includes proposals to freeze pensions, triggering widespread anger amongst the elderly.
The measures are so drastic that even the Greek prime minister is talking up the necessity of a "wartime" mentality.
Reports from Athens say thousands of protesters clash with police in what they see is a "fight for a just society".

Anonymous said...

Toyota UK car sales shrink in recall backlash
Sales of vehicles rose by 26.4% in February but the Japanese carmaker loses market share as the crisis continues

Anonymous said...

Japanese auto-makers threaten to leave the US
In response to harassment by US authorities Japanese auto-makers have begun making plans to shut down their US operations, according to a Japanese government source. The US market is considered by them to be a sunset market and they would rather write off their investments there than submit to arbitrary fines and confiscation.

poiuytr said...

Thanks much for all the news!

Anonymous said...

You're welcome, poiuytr, you're welcome. For no one else would we provide these tidbits more willingly. If only you'd find a way out of your recurrent illness! We worry greatly. So, all the best.

Anonymous said...

why the blackout on Israel?

Anonymous said...

Cold fusion is yet to fulfill its promise. Grasping at a theory based on this unfulfilled/unproven theory is a bit of a stretch.
There's no mystery about the fine dust on 911. It is a mixture of dust from crushed asbestos and light-weight concrete. Neither is strong enough to resist pulverization under the circumstances of a building collapse.
Asbestos dust causes asbestosis in the lungs of susceptible individuals. It's a medically recognised fatal condition but it's not cancer.

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