- Governance admits to "recession". If the west web spies didn't just collect terrabytes and instead read the blogs, they would've known this long ago.
- Gives self the right to confiscate assets linked to crimes.
- Begins prying Jamaica away from the clutches of USA with 140M USD loans. Sideline: The standard procedure for enslaving the world, known as "Washington Consesus", has now been replaced by "Beijing Consensus". WashCon enslaved nations through: a) privatisation (corporate hostile take over of public assets); b) free trade (destruction of local markets and competition and installing USA monopoly dictate like with the coke industry in Bolivia, sugar industry in Czech Rep, oil industry in Sudan, diamond industry of South Africa, etc); c) deregulation of public spending (destruction of hospitals, schools, and all public infrastructure to create design poverty like basically everywhere where USA/UK have stepped). WashCon was used by IMF, WB, BIS, and USTD (USA treasury dept), the chief world poverty designers, as a standard procedure to enslave nations. WashCon is no more! The Freeworld is turning to BeiCon which has invested near 100B USD into 6 nations thus far which include Jamaica now, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Venezuela, Afghanistan. BeiCon chief aim is liberating nations from the dollar slavery. (Note that USA is in wars with the top BeiCon nations).
- Workers in Clairoix lose patience and smash auto part factory, 21Apr.
- Governance threatens students with repeating this year since they've clocked 3 months of demonstrations, protests, and blockades in the country's biggest university revolt ever. Sideline: The purely reactive response of the west governances underscores that west no longer has a plan. It's just putting out fires now. It only reacts to panic today without a clue what they've got themselves into.
- 2 bosses nabbed at Molex and released to negotiate.
- Demonstrations, erupted on 9Apr demanding Saakashvili's resignation, continue with tens of thousands hollering they've seen enough of the west paradise.
It's hard to believe but Saakashvili actually eats his tie in this UK vid. It takes this kind of mental togetherness to work for west these days.
- Urging "new" bank revamp. Their plan thus far was this: put all toxic assets into some bank and sink it while hoarding all the other assets into an elite bank while having people pay for it all either with their cash or in terms of debt. But the plan isn't good enough. They now admit that just swapping bank debt for people's cash isn't gonna do the trick. And they're correct because there is no way to resuscitate the dollar.
- Opel/GM divorce underway. This is a perfect example of the west war junta consolidation of assets at work. GM gets free cash from USA baboons, dumps toxic assets or Opel and USA prolapsed plants. Then they'll try to convert what's left of it to keep value before west goes. And indeed, GM is shutting down in USA and is running to China, even though USA gave the firm over 40B USD just in the last 6 months.
- Ratcheting up punishments for tax cheating. Nice trend, isn't it? West is legalising drugs, abandoning prosecution of misdemeanors and thefts, but it's increasing prosecution of any and all cash lifting from the bankers. Money is the highest of all laws in west. Everything else, including children, is totally irrelevant to the west creature.
- Shriveled by 3,3%/Q1. Hardly "auf wiedersehen" applies here. It's more like "adios, gringos". Sideline: #s are irrelevant. West psychotic policies, omissions, spin, and admitted lies have rendered all numeric data of west irrelevant. What's important is the trend -- the irreversible, unstoppable, and gloriously exponential west prolapse -- they highlight.
- Pumps 1B EUR more into banks. Make no mistake. This isn't deflation. This is theft at the expense of generations to come -- if any will follow, that is.
- USA very angry with Germany for not growing and eating USA genetically perverted crop.
- Tourism over 20% down.
- Demolishes 90 homes in east Jerusalem in expanding Palestinian land theft. But west didn't wanna debate this in Durban so they rather walked.
- Says hello to trade deficit as exports down 50% in March. This is very grave for a country that lives solely off its manufacturing export.
- Cases found in USA.
- Makes 5B EUR deal with Airbus. Sideline: The deal has to do with metal resource supply and it stretches out to 2020. Notice here the length and the cost of the deal. That's 5B EUR for over a decade worth of work. Now, compare this to any west "bailout". Those happen quarterly, deal with 10X costs at minimum, and return NOTHING. GM got 5B USD just to turn out the lights and banks have zero product.
- Claims lowest inflation levels since prices climb at a slow pace yet forgets to factor in BoE money printers spewing new 200B GBP.
- Dispenses with bank debt. How? Where did bank debt go? It was "added" to public sector. Sideline: Deflation while BoE prints 200B? Bailout while debt is added? That's not deflation, that's extreme hyperinflation. And that's not a bailout; it's just governance swapping cash for debt with all UK subjects for generations to come.
- London launches "housing boost" pumping 1B GBP into abandoned construction. Now, that isn't a housing boost but big elite construction firm boost.
- Apologises for a) torture and b) lying about it. So west tortures and lying as standard procedure are now OFFICIAL!
- Kids asked to snitch. Yes, betray-friends-and-family, fabulous-prizes-to-be-won programme, is on.
- "Bailout" is now equal to GDP! Again, everything UK earns now goes to the war bankers pockets. And let's be clear, banks produce NOTHING. This is bye bye to the drizzly island.
- This also means that UK operates in the red, at the expense of future generations debt -- like USA, like the rest of the prolapsed west serial child killers. Currently its deficit is at a whopping 12% of GDP. This is no longer just death pangs. This is scooping out the brains before mummification.
- London begs for more loans. This comes only weeks after they borrowed some 170B GBP in the last "SOS" bond issue. Now they issue 220B GBP in bonds, which means they're looking to borrow 220B from anyone. Who pays the monthlies? UK subjects. How? With deficit and future. Far more sensible would be learning up Mandarin and crawling to China for help like GM, Airbus, Taiwan, and others.
- Tax 50% increase on 200K GBP/yr wages. Now, this is brain scooping in reality! Watch UK upper middle class desert the island like the hived billions are vanishing from Swiss banks.
- T Blair calls for "war on militant Islam". Now, that's inciting violence, isn't it? And it's very different from Obama who, when begging in Turkey, said "USA is NOT at war with Islam". Who's the boss? Who forgot the script? Is there a script or is it improv henceforth?
- Over 120K homes repo'd in last 6 months. That means USA's homeless production rate must be at some 500K/yr.
- Microsoft revenue down 6%, sales down over 30%/Q3. Surely, they'll spin this as overproduction of bits.
- Fred Mac, CFO of long since prolapsed USA nonsense suicided in his basement. His firm got 45B USD for free and still is going belly up taking down 13M dwellings with it. Sideline: Note here that some stupid bank got 50B GBP free, just to stay open, to produce nothing. Looks like Fred Mac or someone who might have assisted understood how off-scale and incurable the west rot is.
- Buries 26th dead bank this year.
- Broke California conducting a test on abandoning prosecution of burglaries, shoplifting, vandalism, traffic violations, assaults, meth narcotics, and other such areas starting May4. Whether they'll do this and spread it through USA remains to be seen but this is, as they say, it! This is state sponsored mayhem getting unleashed.
- USA says it won't bend on Iran n-power or on unpredictable N Korea. Some delusion of grandeur. Iran has n-power and N Korea answers to no one. USA, despite its boisterous talk, is bent more than the treble clef. And let's not forget not only USA's acceptance but begging for truce with Taliban.
- Despite the funny vid begging Iran for a new start, Obama's back to the usual USA violent threats of "crippling sanctions". Jekyll Hyde act, printing money, surging troops....none of it will do now. The game's over for west.
- FEMA's heard asking USA counties to identify suitable places for mass graves, where to land big choppers, and those kinds of things. The game's over for west.
- Before west media mindrapists have a screaming orgasms over the tale of H Chavez's "giving" an island to USA, let it be known that the island is leased by Venezuela and won't be transferred till 2020 when the lease is up. There's a good chance the island will be Venezuelan in 2020, as well, as other parts of USA currently serviced by Citgo.
...to be cont'd as it all piles up