Nation By Nation (10Dec09)

2-10Dec09 -- As the year winds down so does the west econ, prospects, choices, and circumstances in general. (Mouseover flags for info)

A F G H A N I S T A N Afghanistan - West murders 15 civilians incl children, 8 Dec, Laghman province.

West making friends everywhere.

B R A Z I L Brazil - Smacks west with "taxes" on foreign investment. GoldSacks particularly angry as doors around the planet keep slamming its usury claws. Looks like they'll have to "recover" by increasing bonuses plundered from the baboon.

C H I N A China - Tells west again to bugger off with their endless "sanctions" dirges on Iran.

E U EU - Eco-murderers gather at a 400M USD orgy with free hookers in Copenhagen in an attempt to draft up another BS-based world assault while they still have their EUnuchian union intact. Sideline: Napoleon failed them, Hitler failed them, BuschII failed them, Saakashvili failed them, USA-flu I and II have failed them thusfar, so they're turning to eco assault.
- P Jones, chief among the west eco-climate war lizards, steps down as his jubilation over west-wide climate deceit is revealed. Climate and weather, to west, is nothing more than another war opportunity like murdering people in 911 or London77.
- UN promises to investigate the west climate lies. Of course, this too is a lie.
- Holds an opulent fireworks-adorned ultra-right rally over the collectivisation of 27 tribes into one glorious Hitler-wetdream dictatorship. "[Grand EUnuchia] will allow EU to play on world stage" promises EUnuch prez. Given west's trackrecord in genocide, this should be taken as a WWIII threat.

G E R M A N Y Germany - GM/Opel looks like a 8300 jobs getting zapped. It only took a year, zillions, and several west governances to produce this magnificent result.
- Output shrivels "unexpectedly". Mfg, investment-goods production, energy, and construction down 1,6%, 3,5%, 3,4%, and 2,4% respectively. This is while 85B EUR "stimulus" and a 2500 EUR governance enticement were hard at work. Note that west governances now issue "blowout sale and going-out-of-business coupons".

G R E E C E Greece - Riots and state thug attacks against civilians in Athens, Thessaloniki, Ioannina, and Patras mark the anniversary of the state murder of A Grigoropoulos.
More stuff here:

Revived revolt spills into 2nd day, as of 7Dec.

I N D I A India - Purchases MiG 29's.

I R A N Iran - Turkey tells west to bugger off with their "sanctions" wetdreams.
- Signs venture with Russia, 29Nov, incl 15 new oil/gas projects in the Caspian Reserves.
- Busher tests OK.
- USA Navy warns comrade Obama that despite all the west ships, Hormuz can still be shut if Iran so wishes. This is strange, isn't it? It's as though the west crusader has just discovered the map of the region or was comrade Obama, the Peace Laureate of the west cesspits, really about to push the button.

I R A Q Iraq - Multiple bombings leave over 120 dead, 8 Dec.

6Dec, Tikrit.

5Dec, Karbala.
- See warnewstoday blog and heyetnet for more.

West troops arrest civilians for mass executions enacted by Maliki proxy farce using "testimony" extracted under west int'l policy of torture. No, it's no different than Vaticunt witch trials, burning heretics, and mass confiscation of lands. Same criminals, same crimes. In 2000 yrs, the west freckly animal hasn't evolved a single day.

I S R A E L Israel - Stories of giant west theft of children for organ harvest resurface. 25K kids are said to have been stolen within the last 2 yrs from poverty wrecked Ukraine through Israel for the west organ market.

Association for Human Rights report confirms west engages in collective punishment using any means available from air strikes, mass water deprivations, and apartheid policies.

J A P A N Japan - New bailout round at 7T JPY.
- JapanAir plunges into default unable to pay debts. They're seeking 125B JPY in quick funding or they'll be grounded by end of 2010Q1.
- Admits USA not likely to stop Japan's occupation. Talks on booting the gringo off the isle stalled.
- Afghanistan war aid to USA ends in Jan2010. Japan was made to refuel USA craft used to carry out anti-civilian bombing raids.
- Needing urgently to issue 500B USD in bonds or rather is seeking loan. Any givers? Perhaps, if Japan was free of USA rapists... Soon the occupation won't be just the odd drive-by gang rape, eco-cide pollution, brutal land theft. It will manifest as econ detriment with Japan unable to raise cash so long as the west mil legions are harboured.
- For those still reading west #s. GDP turns out to have grown 1,3%, not 4,8% as broadcast. Why? They couldn't agree on deflation, which might have fallen half a point instead of rising. Also industry investment was murky, as it might have actually shriveled instead of grown. Yes, the west voodoo econ masturbators are something to follow. Sideline: This is exactly like USA's 700B USD tarp "stimulus", which was literary pulled out of some baboon's arse over a coffee with no anchoring the numbers and policies. Baboons, you're in good hands. Believe, don't question, don't think, go back to BBCNN.

P A K I S T A N Pakistan - 2 explosions leave 11 dead, Lahore, 6Dec.
- In a permanent attempt to set off a civil strife, it's no surprise the explosion in Peshawar has been linked to west.
- USA murders 3 in another drone attack in Waziristan.

The results of Comrade Obama's peace-loving let's-be-friends campaign.

- The west beast launches "The Beast of Kandahar". That's west's proud name for this flying murder machine drone.
- Comrade Obama's expanding Beast drone massacres beyond current west-assaulted regions of Baluchistan and Waziristan. Yes, west needs war -- anywhere, anyhow.

P H I L I P P I N E S Philippines - A Ampatuan Jr in jail and charged with the massacre. Martial law declared in the region, 5Dec.

P O L A N D Poland - Becoming west war trench by letting comrade Obama child murdering troops be stationed there.

R U S S I A Russia - Tells west to bugger off with their idea of recognising Israel as a jew state.
- 112 killed and over 130 injured in explosion at a night club in Perm.
- Tells EUnuchs to dump OSCE and NATO and do it right. Ambassador to NATO says it clear: "Shutting themselves into a little Western house won't work." Indeed, if west wants to be at all, sooner or later, it will have to cede all command -- a thought that's pushing west into downright insanity and thus the planet closer to WWIII.
- Bans USA pork from 5 plants.
- Confronting west rapists over the theft and occupation of Kosovo. Of course, in west's court.

S W I T Z E R L A N D Switzerland - The personal valet of the Vaticunt christianic dungeons filled with pillaged artworks and Papal Secret Library launches attack on all things non-christianic. Soon the west beast will be back to conversion to christianity by torture and witch burnings.

R Erdogan has it right: the swiss racist religious attack reflects "the increasing fascist and racist stance of EU".

U A E UAE - USA banking alone is admitted to be looking at another 5B USD loss, or maybe it's a "writedown", in the Dubai prolapse.

U K UK - Corus zaps 1700 jobs.
- Realty default at 30B GBP. That's some "recovery", Loondon!
- Sends 500 more troops to Afghanistan. They failed to add how much cash they're sending Taliban to keep them alive.
- BoE says "econ appears to have turned". With 30B realty default, that seems a sensible thing to say. But note here that they don't actually know. Yes, the west econ voodoo witches have no clue how to report on the west-wide terminal prolapse.
- Scots want out. SNP's pushing referendum to break off from the saxon Gotha rape.
- Brown vs banksters: RBoS banksters want their bonuses unlimited.
- Brown vs Sarkozy: the west tzars don't see eye to eye on... well, anything now, not just how to carve up the cash loot.
- Brown vs USA: arguing over Afghan "pull-out" clearly unable to synch up war goals any longer.
- Brown vs UK industry: bailout that's produced nothing but unemployment has been admitted to have pumped "by mistake" 850B GBP into some bankster's pocket. Not to worry, poodles, they're looking for it.
- Brown vs UK upper echelon: Enacts stealth tax, freeze of personal allowances to squeeze cash out of some 70K relatively affluent poodles.
- Brown vs USA central banksters: Loondon derided by USA bank cabal for not granting BoE unlimited and stealth powers like the USA central bank enjoys. Note here (a) the conspicuously missing border. West isn't horizontal but a vertical fiendish lizard caste amalgam and (b) yes, all west pirate factions are at war with one another.
- Racism, nazis, or ultra-rightism march again, 6Dec in Nottingham. No wonder the rally organisers will soon be promoted to governance posts.

U R U G U A Y Uruguay - Joining the Freeworld and SouthAm anti-gringo polarisation. Jose "El Pepe" Mujica wins prez.

U S A USA - Like Israel, it's "murderous arm", expands land theft by seizing 7112 acres of native land in S Dakota.
- Comrade Obama tells baboons governance is out of ideas and funds for the increasing homelessness.
- Governance employees get pay freezes.
- Comrade Obama pumps some 100B USD into unemployment funds as states run out of them. It however doesn't specify whose pocket this cash's going down.
- Detroit, Michigone, school wardens are looking at a 10K USD/yr paycut, while losing medical care. Prolapse of schools in west could however spell higher IQ in the long run and certainly they'll find a way to keep the baboon offspring entertained with daily fanatic religious rituals, be it without books, teachers, or facilities. 2500 have been zapped from the prolapsing Detroit system already.
- USA treasury (governance cash printers) threatens banksters for pocketing the "bailout" trillions. US central bank (the Fed, an amalgam of largely private war financiers) threatens USA governance with 1T USD smack (withdrawal from USA econ) for talking out of line. Yes, all west pirate factions are at war.
- Commercial realty prolapse not just "on the horizon" but here. Default is at 16 yr record, at over 3,5% of mortgages growing to 4% before this year's out. Yes, it's exponential! CMBS default is at 30B USD, or 500% increase y2y.
- Bankruptcy filings over 100%/y2y.
- Foreclosures clock another record with near 4M notices. Second year or active prolapse, second record.
- 20B of the 75B USD pumped into prolapsed baboon mortgages already vapourised for 25% of these mortgages are already delinquent nonetheless. Sideline: There is nothing that can save west realty. It all follows very simple logic. No dollar monopoly, no dollar. No dollar, no west nothing: no value, no jobs, no way to pay mortgage, no way to liquidate without keeping the original note. That's why comrade Obama's expanding war throughout Pakistan, Afghanistan, is looking at Venezuela and apparently again at Iran, and continues to encircle Russia.
- Comrade Obama tells baboons "saving" USA car industry has cost the baboon 30B USD.
- WellsFarGone closing 122 branches in California. That's true, a state that pays with bog roll slips that have "I O U" doesn't need banks. Perhaps toilets to flush them down but certainly not banks.
- AmTrust bank belly up with 500M debt, bringing the total prolapse casualty bank toll to 130 for 2009.
- Chief warrior admits no data on Bin Laden. Even if we granted west its 911 lies, it's still beyond psychotic how the entire west cesspit has been sidetracked with murdering and torturing children around the globe for a decade instead of chasing this erstwhile USA operative.

V E N E Z U E L A Venezuela - Cleaning up banking. 7 bank nationalisations accompany 30 arrests for banksters. West feeds banksters, the Freeworld deals with them.
- Russia's building an arms plant to mfg weapons directly in Venezuela.
- Russia fills recent mil chopper order.
- Gathering other weaponry from Russia like T72s, missiles, RPGs.

Chavez: "They're preparing a war against us."

Y E M E N Yemen - Governance with Saudi keep up anti-civilian assault and invasion attempts against Houthis. Saudis hit north Yemen on 30Nov, 1Dec with heavy artillery, tanks, and jets dropping phosphorous and toxins.
- Governance tanks begin razing attack of Saada.
- Houthis down Yemen jet, ~6Dec.
- Houthis repel Saudi ground offensive, 1Dec.
- Saudis had Jordan's units aid them with the assault on north Yemeni Shi'ites. A few more repelled attacks and the EUnuch and the baboon imperial legions will have to step in. be cont'd as it all piles up.


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Anonymous said...

Another thing exponential, apart from west prolapse naturally, is the talent with which poiuytr presents his NBN facts and figures for our information and delectation. A perfect summation of the news that counts.

Anonymous said...

I've said this before, I'll say it again: poiuytr's choice of pics is magnificent. Wonder where he goes to gĂȘt them. I specially liked the photo and caption of Erdogan, a man I respect more and more each day that passes, specially since he's just told Obama: No more. The troops Turkey has already sent to Afghanistan must suffice. In case anyone thinks one more tale of Muslim killing Muslim, the Turks take part in no combat action. Their job is limited to keeping Kabul safe for now, which they do in masterly fashion.

Anonymous said...

Such clarity, such brevity:
"No dollar monopoly, no dollar. No dollar, no west nothing: no value, no jobs, no way to pay mortgage, no way to liquidate without keeping the original note. That's why comrade Obama's expanding war throughout Pakistan, Afghanistan, is looking at Venezuela and apparently again at Iran, and continues to encircle Russia."
Chilling, but hopefully not prophetic.

Anonymous said...

14:42, the riot scenes are super, as is the picture of the Pakistani women's anti-US demo. It's all adding up for the final showdown, I don't doubt.

Anonymous said...

Rioting in Greece as their econ rating goes down the bog and sovereign default hovers in the air.

Anonymous said...

Video: Houthi live battle footage - Saudi invaders trapped plundered.

Report from Sa'ada (Yemen) : Video of the events of yesterday, invader Saudi army units trapped and plundered yesterday, Thursday 10/12/2009 11:43

(Speakers on max)

Meanwhile throughout the night, air bombings and missile strikes continued by Saudi forces on Yemeni lands , multiple locations.

Anonymous said...

All these looney people, where do they all come from?
All these looney people, where do they all belong?

One word answer: west.

Anonymous said...

Wanna see the hand of a master at work. See how poiuytr deals with G. Brown's woes above.

Anonymous said...

Greek riot police keeping their country safe for democracy. If this then is democracy and it has to be constantly kept safe like a newborn babe, then perhaps we'd be better off with some other system.

Anonymous said...

Russia successfully test launches Topol ICBM
(Ria Novosti, 10.12.09)
Russia successfully test launched a Topol intercontinental ballistic missile on Thursday, a spokesman for the Strategic Missile Forces said.
Col. Vadim Koval said a RS-12M Topol missile was launched from the Kapustin Yar test site in south Russia's Astrakhan Region, and hit the designated target in Sary-Shagan, Kazakhstan.
He said the launch was designed to test the operational capability of the Topol ICBM.
The missile was in active service from 1987 until 2007, and deployed with the 54th Strategic Missile Division near the town of Teikovo, about 150 miles (240 km) northeast of Moscow.
The RS-12M Topol (SS-25 Sickle) is a single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile, approximately the same size and shape as the U.S. Minuteman ICBM. The first Topol missiles were put into service in 1985.
The missile has a maximum range of 10,000 km (6,125 miles) and can carry a nuclear warhead with a yield of 550 kilotons.

Anonymous said...

UK’s richest man could make more than £1bn from carbon trading scheme
Source: Click Green
New analysis released by climate change NGO Sandbag has revealed that the UK’s richest resident, Lakshmi Mittal, CEO and major shareholder of the steel giant ArcelorMittal, could make over £1 billion between now and 2012 from his company’s participation in the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme.
ArcelorMittal has over 14 million emissions permits that it does not need in 2008, a figure which Sandbag estimates will rise to 80 million by 2012 making it by far the biggest beneficiary of the scheme across the EU.
Sandbag has written to CEO Laksmi Mittal urging him to commit to cancelling his company’s unneeded emissions permits in what would be the largest act of climate philanthropy on record. If cancelled the 80 million surplus permits would prevent 80 million tonnes worth of pollution going into the world’s atmosphere, equivalent to the annual emissions of Denmark, the country where critical climate change talks are just commencing. Such an act would also come close to matching the cuts required the UK’s whole carbon budget between now and 2012.
Anna Pearson, Head of Policy at Sandbag commented: “ArcelorMittal received its emissions permits for free and could choose to cancel them; we’re calling on them to trade in the windfall profits they could make, for positive action on climate change. This would set an example to not only business and industry worldwide but to our global leaders set to meet in Copenhagen in the coming fortnight.

Anonymous said...

This week's NBN reveals a fine mind at full stretch.

Anonymous said...

£2 trillion pension liability
UK taxpayers face liability equivalent to £80,000 per household.

Anonymous said...

Copenhagen climate summit: Carbon trading fraudsters in Europe pocket €5bn
Carbon trading fraudsters may have accounted for up to 90pc of all market activity in some European countries, with criminals pocketing an estimated €5bn (£4.5bn) mainly in Britain, France, Spain, Denmark and Holland, according to Europol, the European law enforcement agency. (10 Dec 2009)
Carbon trading fraud accounts for 90pc of all market activity in Europe. The revelation caused embarrassment for European Union negotiators at the Copenhagen climate change summit yesterday, where they have been pushing for an expansion of their system across the globe to penalise heavy emitters of carbon dioxide.

Soros urges use of IMF gold for climate funds
Suspicions about an unprecedented level of carbon crime over the last 18 months have led investigators to believe criminals are using “missing trader” techniques to buy up carbon credits elsewhere in Europe where there is a cheaper rate of VAT.
Then they sell on the credits in the UK, charging the domestic rate, and pocket the difference. This has been commonplace among trading of very mobile commodities across European borders, such as phones, computer chips and cigarettes.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Foreclosures to Reach 3.9 Million in Second Record Year (10.12.09)
Foreclosure filings in the U.S. will reach a record for the second consecutive year with 3.9 million notices sent to homeowners in default, RealtyTrac Inc. said.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, really don't. All these WWIII threats amd scares, the resounding promises of perpetual war for perpetual peace, where will they get the unspeakable perpetrators? Sure they rob blind the countries they occupy. But those standing armies cost tremendous amounts. So don't profits and losses cancel each other out? Who has more because they've made war?

Anonymous said...

Turkey To Israel: Cross Our Airspace To Bomb Iran & We Will Respond Like An Earthquake
Political Theatrics 09 dicembre 2009
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan stated that if Israel crossed over into Turkey’s airspace in order to bomb Iran then their answer to Israel shall be like that of an “earthquake“.
Erdogan’s response was due to a question, in an interview with Lebanese newspaper “Al Safir”, over information indicating that Israel had violated Turkish airspace in the process of spying against Iran.
Erdogan continued,saying that certainly “the information stating that Israel was using their airspace to spy on Iran is incorrect,” but he stated that, “if Israel did so, they will receive a response equal to that of an earthquake.”
He also said it was not reasonable that Israel went to Gaza and “swept” the population and later had the audacity to believe that they would still be permitted to train with Turkish defense forces after they have wrought havoc on the Gaza Strip.
“We,the elected government,came into being due to the will of our people. We cannot then challenge the feelings of the Turkish people, who were greatly effected by what happened during that aggression on Gaza. Our respect for the sentiment of the Turkish people played a decisive role in the background of our decision in refusing to conduct exercise “Anatolian Eagle”.
Furthermore,the Israelis cannot use the relationship they have with us that is declared on paper in order to hit Iran and we will not stand neutral or with folded hands”
“He said that most worry about in the Palestinian issue now is to develop the Gaza Strip”, which Turned into a big prison open, everyone stands idly by and indifferent to it. Which should not be Silence him, not only by the countries of the region, but also by the civilized world that respects Human rights “.” He described Israel’s war on Gaza as “aggression”, he is a crime against humanity in all its Standards, where Israeli forces used white phosphorus against civilians
He said that “after the aggression,which led to the destruction of Gaza: killing 1,500 of its people and wounding 5,000, a meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh had been agreed in order to rebuild what was destroyed. And there had been millions of dollars dedicated to help rebuild the strip, but the decision was not implemented. The ruins of Gaza have remained unchanged.Worse still; the blockade continues to deprive all basic needs of the people."

Anonymous said...

Russia reiterates distaste for Iran sanctions: Russia's top foreign ministry spokesman says Moscow remains opposed to sanctions for Iran over its plans to step up uranium enrichment.
Russian diplomacy on the see-saw again, upward movement.

Anonymous said...

More Russia news - and bad this time if true
Russian missile fails yet again...Russian technology in action - 10.12.2009
A Russian test launch of an intercontinental missile has failed, resulting in a white light seen over parts of Norway.
The submarine-based Bulava ballistic missile failed when launched from the White Sea, the Defence Ministry's press office told Itar-Tass news agency.
Russian newspapers had earlier reported the failure. At least six of 13 previous tests also ended in failure.
The Bulava can carry six individually targeted nuclear warheads. It is designed to have a range of 10,000km (6,200 miles), but its repeated failures have caused embarrassment for Russia which hoped it would support its nuclear deterrent.

Anonymous said...

Webster Tarpley – Obama Declares War On Pakistan

"Webster talks about the on going secret war in Pakistan and the controlled opposition otherwise known as the anti-war movement."

Anonymous said...

China unveils its new worldview
By Willy Lam
Chinese President Hu Jintao has signaled his administration's readiness to play a bigger - and perhaps more constructive - role in global affairs through the release of a five-pronged foreign policy game plan.
Cited by the official Outlook Weekly as "Hu Jintao's Viewpoints about the Times", this far-reaching initiative consists of five theories on, respectively, "the profound changes in the world situation, constructing a harmonious world, joint development, shared responsibilities and enthusiastic participation in global affairs".
In a late November issue of Outlook Weekly (a mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party - CCP), ideologue Zhang Xiaotong indicated that the party chief and president's "viewpoints" amounted to a "major theoretical innovation" based on the "scientific judgment of the development and changes of the times."
This ambitious agenda has been unveiled after US President Barack Obama's visit to China and before the Copenhagen climate change summit, two events that could become milestones in the Middle Kingdom's quest for quasi-superpower status.
According to National College of Administration (NCOA) Professor Wang Yukai, Hu's new-look diplomacy marked the first time that a contemporary Chinese leader had arrived at a comprehensive set of theories with an international perspective. He noted that the "viewpoints" would "undoubtedly provide a theoretical guideline for China's future participation in global affairs".
More significantly, the CCP leadership's rejiggered worldview can be interpreted as the CCP leadership's response to a key point recently raised by Obama, that Washington "welcomes a strong, prosperous and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs". While Premier Wen Jiabao, a close Hu ally, had disputed the Group of Two characterization of China and America during his meeting with Obama, Beijing seems primed for evermore-stellar performances on the world stage.

Anonymous said...

Soros investment - Soros Scam
The billionaire said developing countries could make money from their low-carbon investments from the SDR fund by selling carbon credits on the carbon markets.
IMF gold reserves would guarantee the principle and interest.
Soros said he would invest $1bn of his own $25bn funds in low-carbon assets.

Could someone please explain how all this helps the climate, if the climate is in any kind of danger, which is something we've doubted all along. Also how is Soros after IMF gold when that gold, like climate change, probably doesn't exist at all?

Anonymous said...

A message from on high at a time wily west talks climate change scam?
Deadly storm sweeps across America
At least 17 people have died after a huge storm swept across the American Midwest and New England.

Anonymous said...

05:40, thanks for repeating link. Everything Tarpley says is no doubt correct. The integral part of the US army called Blackwater is implanted within Pakistan and is doing its best to get the country down. On the other hand, I and others like me tend to believe that Pak will get there, if in a leisurely manner. Keep and eye on the Pakistani courts and free press. Their present activities suggest much coming change (no, not climate style) and all for the better.

Anonymous said...

RE: Pakistan
Now west media talk is all about "the myth of Pak sovereignty". If you yield sovereignty to the hands of whichever government is in place, they may even be said to be right. If sovereignty, as we were taught, is the unalienable right of the people, Pak is thriving and next to nothing threatens its past, present and future glory.

Anonymous said...

Russia, China disagree with West over Iran sanctions - Press TV - 11.12.09
A Western drive to impose a new set of tougher sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program may prove to lose momentum due to strong opposition from Russia and China.
The tense UN Security Council meeting began on Thursday with a salvo of warnings from UN representatives of France, Britain, and the US — all of whom stood united in their demands that Iran should comply with their demands over its nuclear activities.
However, calls for tougher sanctions were met with skepticism from representatives of China and Russia, both of whom called for patience and restraint in dealing with Iran.
"There is still space for the diplomatic efforts of the international community to resume talks. It may require more time and patience on all parts," said Zhang Yesui, China's envoy to the UN.
Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin stood with his Chinese counterpart, announcing his opposition to a new round of sanctions against the Tehran government.
The Security Council, under Us pressure, has so far adopted three sets of sanctions against Iran over its enrichment program, which has been thoroughly inspected by UN officials.
Mohammed ElBaradei, also stated his opposition to the imposition of further sanctions against Iran, saying the nuclear issue can be only resolved through diplomatic means.
"Sanctions are not the solution," he told the Austrian newspaper Kurier.

Anonymous said...

Nato seeks more Russian help in Afghanistan
Nato also wants Moscow to give more development aid to the struggling Afghan government, besides weapons - 11.12.09
Brussels: Nato officials want Russia to provide more weapons and other military assistance to the escalating war effort in Afghanistan.
Nato also wants Moscow to give more development aid to the struggling Afghan government.
Alliance spokesman James Appathurai says there is "definitely scope for more" cooperation with Russia in the war effort.
Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen is visiting Moscow next week. The new secretary-general has called for a strategic partnership with Russia.
Russia has been allowing Nato to ship military supplies across its territory for operations in Afghanistan.
The Russians also have trained thousands of Afghan anti-narcotics police officers.
Kremlin officials have suggested further cooperation is likely, but have ruled out sending any troops.

Anonymous said...

So far, poiuytr, you seemed to share our view that Iran was out of bounds to west hounds. This time, though, you seemed to have changed your mind somewhat? True or False?

Anonymous said...

Methane gas explosion in Turkish mine.
There's your answer perhaps, Erdogan, from Turkey's erstwhile "friends".

Anonymous said...

Kabul Taliban Commander Speaks to Al Jazeera (Translation: informatron) - Extracts
Ahmad Zeidan AJ: Some reports say thet Mullah Omar is in Queta or Karchi. Where is Mullah Omar?
Seif Allah Galali: Mullah Mohamed Omar, Commander of the Faithful, is in Afghanistan. Many places in Afghanistan are in the control of the Mujahidin, particularly in those centers where the government is present. Government officials do not have effective capabilities to make anything happen. Many areas in Afghanistan are safe for the Commander of the Faithful to move freely and easily, and live in peace and safety. There is no need for him to be in Pakistan. He lives freely in Afghanistan and issues his instructions from here. Americans accuse the ISI, the Pakistani Intelligence Service, of sheltering Mullah Omar, to give it a bad reputation and thereby put pressure in the Pakistanis. It is a war of words and mass media. And the Afghans know the Americans and the British very well, they know their plans and their machinations. It is not possible for the Afghanis to be fooled by these lies and machinations.
Ahmad Zeidan AJ: There are reports of mediation between the Americans and Taliban. Is there really mediation?
Seif Allah Galali: The Americans are destabilized and very anxious because they are taking many casualties. Many American troops are being killed on a daily basis. That is why they are seeking mediation, but from Taliban they are getting no response. Nothing.
Ahmad Zeidan AJ: What are your conditions? Your conditions for the Americans to withdraw. Your conditions to stop the war in Afghanistan?
Seif Allah Galali: The pagans invaded our country, and derailed our system of government, many of our brothers have been martyred, and our people have suffered injustice, for all this we want these pagans to leave Afghanistan and leave our country. We did not go to them but they came to us and occupied our lands. What we want is their unconditional departure.

Anonymous said...

Hey Q, Don't think for a second we've given up on you, man. Down with the soul searching, up with the action. Let's hear your voice loud and clear. By the way, did you like this week's NBN? And on that subject, so lomg's P's not zapping us, we're sitting pretty. His "fuck off" we must learn to interpret and set aside. What he gives more than makes up for the occasional outburst of bad temper.

Anonymous said...

America--the world's leader in imprisoning its own people--sets another record!

This is American Freedom in its essence: the prison house of nations.

US prison population at record high

Anonymous said...

11:23 - "This is American Freedom in its essence..." Did you ever believe in that freedom shite? Or the prosperity, democracy nonsense, or anything to come out of that seriously plagued land? You are preaching to the converted here, good to keep your hand in, but unnecessary as regards results.

Anonymous said...

America, the prison house of nations and as well their most active slaughterhouse. USA, the A standing for Abattoir.

Anonymous said...

Russia's Latest Military Doctrine
The latest doctrine differs from its previous versions. It mentions those external and internal threats that had not been taken into consideration before, including a war for energy resources, the proliferation of the weapons of mass destruction, international terrorism, territorial claims, ethnic conflicts and separatism. The new doctrine also pays attention to the use of high-precision weapons, unmanned aircraft, autonomous underwater vehicles, biocybernetic system, e.t.c.
Prevention of any military conflicts is proclaimed a high priority for Russia. At the same time, it says that Russia sees it legitimate to use force to repel aggression, protect its allies, take part in the peacekeeping operations sanctioned by the UN Security Council and other organizations dealing with collective security. The doctrine also quotes the amendments made in October to the Law on Defence which stipulate the use of military force abroad.
What is especially important about Russia`s new military doctrine is that it allows to use nuclear weapons to repel aggression if an enemy applies conventional weapons in a large-scale war. If the national security happens to face a serious threat, Russia does not rule out a possibility of a nuclear attack, including a preemptive one, against an aggressor in either large-scale or regional war. Actually, we see that Russia has lowered a threshold of nuclear deterrence.
Thus, Russia`s nuclear strategy starts to resemble more that of the United States. I would even assume that the aforementioned amendments to the doctrine are first of all addressed to Washington after it had made a few steps to impel Moscow to reduce its nuclear arsenal and at the same time ensured its strategic superiority with the help of high-precision weapons, including naval cruise missiles. In other words, the US has been trying to undermine Russia`s ability for strategic deterrence.
So, ahead of the final round of Russo-US talks on a new START treaty, Moscow demonstrates it has no intention to reject nukes as one of the most important means of strategic deterrence. That is why the Security Council of Russia has been taking every effort to complete the work on the new military doctrine by the time the new START treaty is ratified.

Anonymous said...

The latest face of eugenics:
Friday, 11 December 2009
UK Group Proposes Using Carbon Offsets to Stop Poor From Breeding
'The Optimum Population Trust (OPT), a UK-based "think tank" and registered charity, has launched a new initiaqtive urging wealthy members of the developed world to participate in carbon offsets that fund programs for curbing the population of developing nations. The scheme is being promoted as a more cost-effective way to reduce CO2 emissions than investing in alternative energy sources and offers a way for elitist racists to feel ethical in their quest to exterminate the third world masses.'

Anonymous said...

The Greek debt crisis is a result of the mismanagement of the 'Nea Dimocratia' government of Konstantinos Karamanlis.
It has nothing to do with the freshly incumbent socialists.
It is too early to say whether the socialists of Giorgos Papandreou will be changing the Greek economic conditions to the better or
to the worse. They first have to work through the awkward legacy of the Karamanlis era.

Anonymous said...

Food Stamps Go to a Record 37.2 Million, USDA Says (12.12.09) ICH
A record 37.2 million people, or about one out of every eight Americans, received food stamps in September, as the recession drove a surging jobless rate, according to a government report.

Anonymous said...

Above 14:47
Question: Does Russia's deterrence work?
There are doubts about that! Many rockets failed to pass the test.

Anonymous said...

Greek prime minister George Papandreou: 'we will not default on our debt' (11.12.09)
The beleaguered Greek prime minister yesterday sought to reassure investors that he would act on the country's mounting debt pile without having to turn to the International Monetary Fund for emergency funding.
George Papandreou insisted Greece was "not about to default on its debts" and said a plea to the IMF for help was "out of the question", despite a damaging credit downgrade this week which sparked fears that Greece would default.
Fitch downgraded Greece's credit rating by one notch from A- to BBB+ and maintained a negative outlook, while Standard & Poor's put Greece's A- rating on negative watch.
Greece has said that its debt stands at €300bn (£270bn), which is the highest level in its modern history. The deficit is expected to reach 12.7pc of gross domestic product this year, while total debt amounts to about 113pc of GDP. The downgrade triggered a big sell-off of Greek government bonds.

Anonymous said...

EU vows climate aid to poor nations
Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, said the offer "puts Europe in a leadership role at Copenhagen"

Arrests ahead of Copenhagen protest
Police arrested 75 sympathisers of the "Our Climate - Not Your Business" movement, which held demonstrations under the banner "Don't buy the lie." (11.12.09)

Anonymous said...

re: "Food Stamps Go to a Record 37.2 Million, USDA Says"

Forget about food stamps.

Free Freedom Fries for every American who wears a "Support the Troops" ribbon or flag pin!

Anonymous said...

I'll say this for 11:17, not very helpful perhaps, but surely the most sarcastic comment on the blog today.

Anonymous said...

Ireland, Greece May Leave Euro, Standard Bank Says (12.12.09)
Greece and Ireland are among countries in an “intolerable” economic situation, which may lead to bailouts or even an exit from the euro area by the end of next year, according to Standard Bank Plc.
The absence of a mechanism to permit so-called fiscal transfers within the 16-nation region may undermine the exchange-rate system, said Steve Barrow, head of Group of 10 foreign-exchange strategy at the bank in London. Concern some nations will need to be rescued may drive the premium investors demand to hold 10-year Greek debt instead of benchmark German bunds to 400 basis points next year, from 214 basis points today, he said. The Irish premium may also jump, he said.
“Countries like Ireland and Greece may not be able to grow out of the current crisis,” Barrow said.“With interest-rate cuts, exchange-rate depreciation and significant fiscal support all off limits for these countries, bailouts or even pullouts from EMU may happen next year.”
The Irish Finance Ministry called the suggestion it might leave the euro area “uninformed comment,” and Greece said there was no chance it would leave.
The widening difference in yield, or spread, between Greek and Irish bonds and German securities may accelerate, increasing the debt burden for these countries, he wrote in a report today. The Irish-German 10-year spread may rise to 300 basis points next year, from about 170 basis points, he said. The spread averaged about 43 basis points in the past five years, with the Greek-German average at 67 basis points in the period.
“It can, in many ways, be a more destructive line of attack for the market than currency pressure,” Barrow wrote. Greek yields soared this week after a cut in the country’s credit by Fitch Ratings, which said Prime Minister George Papandreou’s government doesn’t grasp the debt crisis’ severity. Standard & Poor’s signaled it may also reduce Greece’s ranking. The spread with bunds reached 251 basis points yesterday, the widest since April 2.

Anonymous said...

Violent clashes as 30,000 gather in Copenhagen
At least 21 have been arrested for rioting at a demonstration of 30,000 campaigners in Copenhagen where world leaders are debating global warming.

Anonymous said...

Billions in the trash: Swine flu drug scandal in Ukraine (12.12.08)
Governments worldwide may have wasted billions of dollars stockpiling an ineffective flu drug. A study published in the British Medical Journal has found no evidence that Tamiflu lowers the risk of flu complications.

Anonymous said...

State of US Homelessness (12.12.09)
Is there really room in Boise shelters?
Sub zero temperatures and wind - it's a recipe for disaster especially when you are left out in the cold.
Homeless Women And Children Unable To Escape Cold
The extremely cold conditions have exposed a crack in Fort Wayne's social service network and some women and children may be the ones falling through, again.
Homelessness: A Connecticut Caseload Soars
The caseload at Alpha, the only emergency shelter for families in Bridgeport, has doubled, to an anticipated 350 families by the end of this year, from 170 last year, Ms. Brooks said.
Homeless increase even in affluent area
In an area where the median family income tops $80,000, the homeless figure tops 20,000, The Orange County Register reported Friday.

Anonymous said...

Copenhagen Framework Demands Huge Amounts of Spending, But Allows Enron-Style Accounting Tricks So That Carbon Isn’t Actually Reduced

Anonymous said...

re: State of US Homelessness

The America-lovers just love to have pity parties for themselves don't they? The nationalist hissy fit after Sept. 11 being the ultimate example.

But Proud Amurikan cretins have no need to worry about homelessness.

There is always plenty of rooms available in their friendly local Obamaville tent city.


Anonymous said...

The rise of the American Fourth Reich....

"Video: The geopolitical goals of the Anglo-American Empire in Afghanistan Pakistan Iran"

Anonymous said...

LOL 21:40 - And you forgot the more substantial housing offered by jails. These can fit in practically the entire population of that benighted place. 23:07: Thanks for link.

Anonymous said...

1000 "anarchists" arrested in Copenhagen, we are told this morning while the conference itself sinks into "anarchy". And Canada is stuck in snow and ice as if in time. Elsewhere, then, people's main concern seems to be with Tiger Woods and his multiple women. DĂ©jĂš vu anyone? Plus ça change et plus c'est la mĂȘme chose.

Anonymous said...

Truth about the Chechen Wars:
Chechnya ’s sitting President Ramzan Kadyrov, who was a teenager during the First Chechen War, believes that the war in Chechnya was masterminded by the West. Western countries, Kadyrov thinks, instigated the war to make the USSR and then Russia collapse.
“It is an open secret nowadays that the Soviet Union fell apart contrary to the will of its people. They decided in the West that they should not stop at that. They wanted to fire up a local war which would embrace more regions and eventually weaken or even destroy Russia as a joint nation,” Kadyrov told journalists December 11 in Grozny.
“They wanted to trigger a local religious conflict in Chechnya and have the Muslim population involved in it. Afterwards, they wanted to provoke mass disturbances in the country. I am certain that there were no objective reasons to start the war with the use of aviation, artillery and hundreds of thousands of military men,” Interfax quoted Kadyrov as saying.
“The West was pursuing its goal, but Russia’s then-administration unconsciously did its bidding and let the local conflict grow into a national tragedy. No one can say today how many billions of dollars Russia had to spend on that war. It was the West that obtruded the war on Russia,” Kadyrov said.

Anonymous said...

Only the Americans among civilised democracies [Brit shill speaking] love prisons more than the British. For imprisonment Britain leads Europe, jailing convicts for non-violent crimes that most countries handle with non-custodial sentences, or do not regard as crimes at all. Thousands of British offences are for the "crime" of not obeying a government official. Germany has this crime as well. It's called Beamterbeleidigung. It used to carry a fine, but in today's fraught climate it might well be a prison term instead.

Anonymous said...

Saturday, 12 December 2009
Chavez Prepares Venezuela for 'US-Provoked War'
'President Hugo Chavez says Venezuela must be ready to defend itself against what he called the US and Colombia's gearing up for initiating a military conflict. Chavez who accused Washington and Bogota of planning to stage war against his country announced that thousands of Russian missiles and rocket launchers were being received by Venezuela as the country is preparing for a possible military conflict.'
In view of Clinton lady's veiled threats of recent origin, it seems a wise move.

Anonymous said...

Iran emphasizes close ties with Latin America
Sun, 13 Dec 2009 - Press TV
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki speaking during a press conference in Manama
Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki denounced interfering remarks by the US about Tehran's close ties with Latin American states.
Mottaki said remarks by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Iran's bilateral relations with Latin American nations were in complete contradiction with diplomatic principles and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961).
"We condemn such attitudes which violate values of the third millennium," Mottaki said.
He added that no country has the right to use force to prevent countries from expanding relations based on respect and mutual interests.
Mottaki's comments came after the US secretary of state on Friday warned Latin American nations, Bolivia and Venezuela in particular, about the consequences of close ties with Iran, saying "we can only say that is a really bad idea for the countries involved."

Anonymous said...

Cuba, Venezuela sign joint projects worth over $3 bln (Ria Novosti - 12.12.09)
Venezuela and Cuba have signed agreements on 285 joint projects totaling about $3.16 billion at the summit of the regional ALBA trade bloc in Havana.
Speaking after the signing of the documents Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said that the countries began intensifying cooperation "in 2000 with 17 modest projects worth some $30 million."
"This is a mechanism of cooperation, which has no other precedents in the world. It is unbelievable how it grew up in the last 10 years," he added.
Trade between Venezuela and Cuba has reached $8.7 billion, mainly in the health, education, agriculture and energy sectors.
Over 40,000 Cuban experts are working in Venezuela to help the poverty-stricken Latin American country improve its health care and education systems.
ALBA, or the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, was founded by former Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez in 2005 and now comprises nine members - Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Antigua and Barbuda.

Anonymous said...

The U.S. economy is not recovering. All we're doing is spending stimulus money. The minute you take away the stimulus, all the GDP growth, all the jobs that are associated with that stimulus spending, will vanish. So they can't take the stimulus away without destroying the phony recovery. So if interest rates are going to stay low and they're going to keep printing money, the only thing that's going to happen is the dollar is going to fall until it all of a sudden collapses ...
Schonberger: So then you're actually calling for a collapse in the dollar relatively soon?
Schiff: Relatively soon, yes. Maybe not tomorrow, but I think it will happen soon. I think it will happen before Barack Obama leaves office even if he's only a one-termer. The first initial collapse in the dollar will be about a 50%, 60%, or 70% decline in dollar value. That collapse will usher in the new leg -- the much more severe leg of our economic downturn. Not only will we have a financial crisis, but we'll also have a currency and economic crisis.
Hopefully that will be the tough medicine, the shock that finally causes Congress and the Fed to abandon its current policy and start doing the right thing. If it doesn't -- if they respond to that big drop in the dollar by creating more inflation, and if they fail to raise interest rates aggressively and withdraw liquidity -- then they will turn the dollar into confetti. Then we will have hyperinflation. If we go down that road, gold prices aren't just going to $5,000, they'll go to $50,000, or $500,000. I hope that cooler heads will prevail before we go down that road, but from this point that's still a possibility if we don't change policies.
Strong words from Peter Schiff.

Anonymous said...

Steel firm Corus could get £90m 'pollution payoff' after closing plant and axing 1,700 jobs (12.12.09)
Steel firm Corus could qualify for millions of pounds' worth of Government environmental credits for a plant it is closing with the loss of 1,700 jobs. (12.12.09)
The Department of Energy and Climate Change yesterday confirmed that Corus's foreign owner, Indian steel giant Tata, was 'likely' to get its £90million allocation of carbon credits, including an allocation for the 150-year-old steel works in Redcar, Teeside, the mothballing of which was announced last week.
The decision prompted fears last night that Tata could profit from the closure by selling on the permits or using them at its other plants.
The credits allow firms to emit a certain level of pollution each year. Though issued for free, they can be sold to other firms. Over time the aim is to cut carbon emissions by issuing fewer credits.

Anonymous said...

Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor (13.12.09)
Drugs money worth billions of dollars kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global crisis, the United Nations' drugs and crime tsar has told the Observer.

Anonymous said...

25 huthi commandos atttacked the Al Jaber base on the yemeni border with ziosaudi that had almost two thousand ziosaudi soldiers, all of them deserted the base and left behind all equipement. Something of the sort was expected to happen knowing the quality of the so-called ziosaudi soldiers.

Anonymous said...

"If it doesn't -- if they respond to that big drop in the dollar by creating more inflation, and if they fail to raise interest rates aggressively and withdraw liquidity -- then they will turn the dollar into confetti."

Dollar turns into confetti.

No, the Dollar *deserves* to be turned into toilet paper--the type that you use when you are suffering from a bad case of diarrhea.

Anonymous said...

Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor (13.12.09)
Drugs money worth billions of dollars kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global crisis, the United Nations' drugs and crime tsar has told the Observer.

Very good point.

Any analysis of the financial crisis must take into account the effect of the underground/black economy like drugs.

It's well known that the USA (and its allies like Britain and NATO) are narco-traffickers.

And one of the reasons that the USA engages in drug dealing is to plough drug profits back into Wall Street and prop up this corrupt system.

With drug profits, these Wall Street vultures and maybe the American system would have collapsed long ago.

Anonymous said...

Correction: "WithOUT drug profits, these Wall Street vultures and maybe the American system would have collapsed long ago."

Anonymous said...

Asche zu asche
Duetscher rocknroll
cool ww2 footage.

h ttp://

Anonymous said...

Stranger than fiction? Nursery children monitored for signs of radicalisation: Children as young as four should be monitored for signs of brainwashing by radical extremists, counter terrorism police have warned.
I read this, and any hope for the improvement of humanity's prospects vanishes.

Anonymous said...

Is poiuytr unwell again? Not a word from his pen since he posted this NBN?

Anonymous said...

Climate "activists" = Dupes for Plan B faction of the Empire - 14,12,09
Today there are two principal policy options of the Anglo-American power establishment to impose their further control over a world that is rapidly slipping out from under them. We might call them Plan A and Plan B for short.
-The first, Plan A, was the option represented by Bush-Cheney and the big oil and military industrial complex behind them. Cheney and his close Houston friend, Matt Simmons, propagated the myth of Peak Oil to lull populations into accepting the inevitability of $100 a barrel or even higher oil prices. In the meantime, the relative strength of the Big Oil and the related US military establishment grew with higher oil prices.
Their global War on Terror provided a cover or pretext to justify military control over the major oil reserves and oil transit passages of the world. From Iraq to Afghanistan to Kosovo, the US and NATO agenda was aimed at future control of the extraordinary economic powers emerging from Russia to China to India to Brazil and Venezuela and beyond. Through China’s effective diplomacy in Africa, many African countries are on the brink of slipping out from under the US or British control into Chinese or more independent status.
If John McCain becomes the next choice of the US power elites to be President, that will signal that that military and oil agenda will escalate, especially as the USA sinks into a severe economic depression in coming months.
-The second broad faction of maintaining their control over the greater part of the world economy, Plan B, sees Global Warming and “soft power” as embodied in the organs of the United Nations and IMF and World Bank as the more suitable vehicle to convince people to willingly accept drastic reduction in living standards.
Barack Obama, the apparent choice of the same elites as a “breath of change” to allow them to regroup after the debacle of the Bush-Cheney years, would likely opt for the second faction of the global elite—the Global Warming option to lowering general living standards, ‘Plan B’ of the Anglo-American establishment. In a recent campaign speech in Wallingford Pennsylvania, Mr. Obama replied to a question about Al Gore, the hero of Global Warming. As President, Obama said he would consider putting Al Gore in a Cabinet-level position—or higher. He stated, “I will make a commitment that Al Gore will be at the table and play a central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem. He's somebody I talk to on a regular basis. I'm already consulting with him in terms of these issues but climate change is real."
From: "Global Warming gets the Cold Freeze"
ht tp://
"The reality is that Global Warming like Peak Oil and other scares are but another attempt by powerful vested interests to convince the world to sacrifice that they remain in control of the events of this planet. It’s a thinly veiled attempt to misuse climate to argue for a new Malthusian reduction of living standards for the majority of the world while a tiny elite gains more power."

Anonymous said...

Okay, al Gore cratered global wamring, so we better get back to making up a good excuse to declare war on Iran. (13.12.09) WRH
Based on the history of the "Yellow cake" documents, and the Iranian laptop provided to MEK by Mossad, this is just another fraud to start the war that our leaders so dearly want to tax you for and have your children die in.
Human-caused global warming was going to be the cash cow for the next decade, but despite the positive spin by the UN, the reality is that no deal is close at Copenhagen, mostly because the United States never kept the promises it made at Rio and Kyoto.
So, back to starting as war to justify high taxes and greater control over your lives.

Anonymous said...

Venezuela's Chavez sees U.S. 'threat' over Iran ties: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Sunday that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's warning to Latin American nations about their ties with Iran was "an overt threat," especially to his country and Bolivia.
N.B. If Uruguay has gone to the right person,
Chile seems to be on the verge of landing in the hands of one of the filthy rich.

Anonymous said...

Saudi Air Strikes Kill Up to 70 Yemeni Civilians - Jason Ditz - 14.12.2009
Scores Wounded as Warplanes Attack Northern Yemeni Market
Saudi warplanes launched a series of air strikes against a market in Northern Yemen’s Bani Maan today, with witnesses confirming that at least 35 civilians had been killed and dozens injured.
The Shi’ite separatists that have been fighting along the Saudi border later insisted that the raid had actually killed 70 people and over 100 were wounded. Exact figures are impossible to ascertain with the Yemeni government blocking reporters from the region.
The Saudi government has yet to comment but the Yemeni government, always quick to make spurious claims about the situation on the ground, insisted they were actually the ones who attacked the market, and that every person in the market was actually a militant.
Also talk this morning of US forces in Yemen.

poiuytr said...

10:20 -- Change of mind that Iran is out of west's reach

No, no change here. Seems like USA navy have changed their mind after years of crashing into their own ships in the Hormuz narrow promising to keep it open come what may. But despite reality, it seems like some in Pentagram still think it possible. Hitting all strategic targets at the same nanosecond is describing only a hypothetical miracle that, given that west only has training against defenceless civilians, is less likely than west not prolapsing econ-wise.


8:08 -- Does Russia's deterrent work?

It's unlikely any part of the west is gonna stand in the way of a Bulava, whether it's failing or not. It's Russian Roulette with nukes. And that's if indeed they're "failing".


17:12 -- Greece & Ireland and the house of euro

Just when they finally managed to swindle up the Grand EUnuch union, the fiscal troubles begin biting. Now, when the brussel boyz are enacting several EUnuch-wide imperial tax schemes for armies, EUnuch-elite bank bonuses, and to pay for the top-heavy amalgam, it's beginning to fall apart. They won't go off Euro, they'll be forced into some slavery status for brussels now and may have their banking and what's left of their assets collectivised a-la USA.


7:04 -- Iran ties with SouthAm

The coop twixt SouthAm, sucre9, and Iran has deepened to the point of west, namely US of A, no longer wasting time tailoring individual vulgarities and threats and instead issuing an umbrella "continental" threat to the entire SouthAm, whether in coop with Iran or not. Yes, it's gotten this funny. It's west's vulgarities against continents now.


11:53 -- USA econ not recovering

Right. All that's happening is the "recovery" of war investment made by all west structures, not just the central bank private financiers, but by all, all west municipalities and so on, had invested some 500T in paper value into derivatives via bonds/loans into their Busch II/Blair WWIII banking on a quick theft of Iraq and Iran's oil, curbing China from oil and back into slavery status how west prefers to remember this part of the world, and slicing Russia's energy in Murmansk, Caspian Reserves, and Sakalin, beside plundering the Arctic. None of this happened, of course, and instead, the "derivative" market has vanished leaving all west baboons on the hook to repay the bonds to their central banksters. Hence the giant bonuses and collectivisation of all west assets.

> The first initial collapse in the dollar will be about a 50%, 60%, or 70% decline in dollar value. That collapse will usher in the new

The super extreme hyperinflation of the dollar is off the chart. Without publishing the money print, which Busch II made illegal years ago, it's impossible to calculate west's inflation. But just going by the releases of "stimuluses", it's off scale. 99,9999999% deval is long overdue. However, that said, deval of dollar by a single 1% will predicate west-wide implosion of never previously anticipated scale. 50% means 700M baboons going instantly hungry and within days shelterless. Bantering around numbers like these P Stickhead does is as silly as any other west TV rants. It only proves they have no grasp of even the simplest chapter one basics of.... well, of anything. But the numbers don't matter.

The point is that west is prolapsing and so terminally. And that's supported in clearer and clearer terms that even some of the west monkeys get it.


poiuytr said...

> causes Congress and the Fed to abandon its current policy and start doing the right thing. If it doesn't -- if they respond to that big

What's the right thing? Short of provoking a full active WWIII and winning it, there's nothing west can do to avoid where it's going.

The only way west can settle score with creditors is by ceding land. Nothing else has kept value. Even giant concerns that once defined the opulent slaver west lands are laughable liabilities today with product that doesn't move even at half price. And ceding land will only work for those who are owed only cash. Nations that have had millions murdered, cities razed, and been turned into DU dumps on false pretexts, simply because the west was once strong enough to bully their children, aren't likely to agree on such paper terms.

This is precisely, why west has no date for pullouts out of anywhere. It simply can't leave any of the wars for if it does the war will come to west.

I agree that a total change of course should have happened in the west, but I haven't seen any possible direction for ages now. Very simply, USA congress or USA central bank is out of choices here.

> hyperinflation. If we go down that road, gold prices aren't just going to $5,000, they'll go to $50,000, or $500,000. I hope that

Yes. And forget gold. It's not edible. Bread's going 500K USD. Entire suitcases of bills will be soon spent trading for the last supper.

Remember the 30s in Germany? That's gonna be like lying on a sunny beach slurping a funky drink with one of those little paper brollies in it compared to what's happening to the freckly west child-murdering cesspits.

And this is precisely why the west terminal rot must be celebrated and jubilated in the faces of the ugly west baboon monkey populations of war crime watchers and financiers for they are "THE" disease.


7:43 --

Yeah, I'm fine, just not spending every second here.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to hear from you in full spate, poiuytr. And also good to know you're not spending all your time on the blog. Means it's got off the ground and it flies its course on automatic pilot much of the time.

Anonymous said...

Afghanistan: Germany says no to sending more soldiers to help US
Germany has cast doubt on the value of sending extra troops to Afghanistan despite pleas from the US for its Nato allies to bolster the fight against the Taliban. The final German decision will be taken after the London security conference in late January.

Anonymous said...

(poiuytr, just not signed in)

~6T USD wiped out from the paper value of the USA residential realty.

Now, though it's just a paper value, it's backed by outstanding loans that the yank baboon can't afford and the USA bankster demands. The gargantuan loss in value means that liquidating at even "blow-out" deval prices, much like the dollar, comes nowhere to clearing the debt here any longer.

Yes, one of the grand fiscal wars of the prolapsing pirate west has moved twixt the ranks of the yank baboon and its banksters.

Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets. Who's got more clout? The west bank cabals that give self tens of billions just in bonuses every few months while telling all west governances how high to jump or the creature known as the baboon, which are seemingly kept about only for econ slavery, mass medical experiments, and extravagant BBCNN-exclusive sacrifices like in 911?

Anonymous said...

Russia cuts gas to Armenia after bomb found: report (13.12.09)
MOSCOW – Russia halted gas supplies to Armenia after a bomb was found close to a pipeline in southern Russia, Interfax news agency reported on Monday, citing the Georgian company responsible for transiting the gas.
A trunk gas pipeline in Russia's volatile Ingushetia region was shut down late on Sunday after an explosive device was found nearby, Russian news agencies reported, quoting local law-enforcement officials.
A spokeswoman for the Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation, which manages the transit of Russian gas to Armenia, said the shutdown had cut gas supplies to Armenia but that Georgia had not been affected.

Anonymous said...

And there we have it. " A few more repelled attacks and the EUnuch and the baboon imperial legions will have to step in." Comrade Obama attacks Yemen with baboon imperial legions.

(poiuytr, not signed in still)

Anonymous said...

Who needs to die to go to hell? On earth already there's time and space for that. Just make war. Any wagers this is an Iran proxy?

Anonymous said...

The swine doing all they can to force Iran's hand. I can't imagine the Houthis have the numbers to see this through but you can only hope.

Anonymous said...

What's all this about? CIA agent captured in Cuba, Iran's got three of them in custody, Pakistan keeps arresting them on a daily basis and we have them overrunning Yemen.

Anonymous said...

British Airways staff vote for 12-day Christmas strike
Walkout by 12,500 cabin crew from 22 Dec to 2 Jan will affect 1 million passengers

Anonymous said...

Yet another US shill on what to expect in 2010:
While financial institutions have been propped up with zero-rates, myriad lending facilities and boatloads of Fed liquidity, the real economy continues on a downward path. As households rebalance accounts and increase savings, the signs of distress are becoming more apparent. In Europe, the ECB and IMF have begun to use the financial crisis to wrest control of the budgets of deficits-plagued nations to apply business-friendly austerity measures. The economic meltdown, that was generated by overleveraged banks trading dodgy investment paper, is now being used to assert corporate/bank control over sovereign nations. Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain are all presently in the crosshairs of neoliberal restructuring. Surely, the same policies will be applied within the United States under the guidance of supply-side economist and chief advisor to the president, Lawrence Summers. Thus, 2010 economic contraction will continue to force state and local governmnets to lay off millions of more workers while public assets and services are made available at firesale prices to private industry.
Debt deflation and deleveraging will continue for the foreseeable future, while ballooning deficits and high unemployment add to the public’s frustration with ineffective government policies. The possibility of social unrest, political instability or sporadic incidents of violence cannot be excluded. The economic crisis is now being managed by political/financial elites who believe they can navigate volatile markets, rising foreclosures, and growing populist rage to effect the most profitable outcome for themselves and their peers.

Anonymous said...

Anon 15:12
The whole of South and Central America have been penetrated by the the JewSA spies, who sometimes work for banks, corporations and even MacDonalds and preach destruction of the progressive governments there, spy, and distribute subversive materials.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese may not be getting all the oil, but they’re getting some. The spoils of war were something a lot of American oil companies apparently took for granted, as they lost big in auctions for a massive chunk of Iraq’s oil reserves.
Analysts say security concerns may have kept American companies from bidding more, but it apparently didn’t stop other companies, including Shell (Netherlands), Gazprom and Lukoil (Russia), CNPC (China) and Petronas (Malaysia) from snatching up proven reserves roughly on par with the entire nation of Mexico in the auction.
Hu Jintao also inaugurated the Turkmenistan pipeline which will pump Central Asian oil into China.

Anonymous said...

Time is rapidly running out for America. The massive bailouts, stimulus packages, giveaways and short-term debt, along with imperial wars they can no longer afford, will leave the country struggling to finance nearly $5 trillion in debt by 2010. This will require the United States to auction off about $96 billion in debt a week. Once China and the oil-rich states walk away from that debt, which is inevitable, the Federal Reserve will become the buyer of last resort. The Fed has printed perhaps as much as 2 trillion new dollars in the last two years, and buying this much new debt will see it print trillions more. This is when inflation, and most likely hyperinflation, will turn the dollar into junk. A backlash by a betrayed and angry populace, one unprepared intellectually and psychologically for collapse, will tear apart the social fabric, unleash chaos and violence, and strengthen the calls for more draconian measures by US security apparatus and military. The vicious circle come full turn.

Anonymous said...

Historical Parallel with Spain (except as regards the time factor): The best book on where America now stands and where it is going is J. H. Elliott’s The Count-Duke of Olivares: A Statesman in an Age of Decline. Olivares was what we would now call the prime minister of Spain in much of the first half of the 17th century. His era saw Spain go from "the only superpower" to a downward plunge that lasted three centuries. Unusually, the more one looks at the details, the more the parallel holds. Then, as now, the root problem was the same: the court was controlled by interests that lived off the nation’s decay.
Only US, contending as it does with the resurrected Freeworld, won't survive several centuries in its downward spiral.

Anonymous said...

read west in place of us and we'll be getting there at long last.

Anonymous said...

Obama Declares War On Pakistan

Posted By admin On December 14, 2009 @ 1:25 pm In Featured Stories | 178 Comments

Webster G. Tarpley
December 14, 2009

Obama declared all-out war on Pakistan during his December 1, 2009, West Point speech.

Obama’s West Point speech of December 1 represents far more than the obvious brutal escalation in Afghanistan — it is nothing less than a declaration of all-out war by the United States against Pakistan. This is a brand-new war, a much wider war now targeting Pakistan, a country of 160 million people armed with nuclear weapons. In the process, Afghanistan is scheduled to be broken up. This is no longer the Bush Cheney Afghan war we have known in the past. This is something immensely bigger: the attempt to destroy the Pakistani central government in Islamabad and to sink that country into a chaos of civil war, Balkanization, subdivision and general mayhem. The chosen strategy is to massively export the Afghan civil war into Pakistan and beyond, fracturing Pakistan along ethnic lines. It is an oblique war using fourth-generation or guerrilla warfare techniques to assail a country which the United States and its associates in aggression are far too weak to attack directly. In this war, the Taliban are employed as US proxies. This aggression against Pakistan is Obama’s attempt to wage the Great Game against the hub of Central Asia and Eurasia or more generally.

Anonymous said...

And on and on goes Tarpley over several pages. As though Pakistan were a kid in short pants needing guidance and adult wisdom. Well, all one can say is if the Houthi are up to taking on the zio challenge, so is Pakistan, however troubled its surface might appear.

Anonymous said...

What I love about mainstream is how beautifully they daydream along with their masters.

Anonymous said...

In fresh remarks on Friday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton alluded to Iran's business partners in Latin America, including Brazil, Venezuela and Bolivia, warning them of consequences of bolstering ties with Iran.
"We can only say that is a really bad idea for the countries involved," said the former first lady. "If people want to flirt with Iran, they should take a look at what the consequences might well be for them. And we hope that they will think twice," she said during a question-and-answer session at the State Department.
Earlier in May, she said that the US was "disturbed" by Iran's "gains" in the Latin America region.
"If you look at the gains, particularly in Latin America, that Iran is making …it's quite disturbing," said Clinton. "They are building very strong economic and political connections with a lot of these (regional) leaders. I don't think that it's in our interests," she added.
The bloc reacted to Clinton's comments, with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez rejecting the oft-stated remarks as "ridiculous."
"It's ridiculous, the threat of the secretary of state, and we aren't afraid of her," Chavez said.
Bolivian President Evo Morales also said that his country would not back down from holding closer relations with Iran.
Formed in 2004, ALBA is an alliance for regional integration which focuses on solidarity, social justice and cooperation between the countries of Latin America and Caribbean. It was established as an alternative to the Free Trade Area of the Americas proposed by the US.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone notice that Hitlery Clinton has a new hairdo?

I wonder if it means that she and Bill are in love.

Meanwhile, Hitlery drones on about American (cough) human rights principles ... which the Western Free Press dutifully regugitates.

Anonymous said...

EU summit: climate and Russian gas
MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Andrei Fedyashin) - On December 10-11 Brussels played host to this year's last summit of the European Union (EU).
The leaders of the 27 EU countries touched upon but did not resolve the virtually insoluble problems of world climate; they looked into the abyss of appalling Greek debt (Greece is actually on the brink of default), and finally discussed their energy problems, including Russian gas supply and its near unpredictable transit through Ukraine.
Russian gas was discussed at the summit mostly because of the European Parliament - its representatives also take part in the meetings. On the summit's sidelines European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek of Poland again urged the EU to map out a common energy program (the EU has been doing this as part of the preparations for a new common economic strategy until 2020), and most important to develop a process for consolidating Russian gas imports. Buzek believes that to achieve this, Brussels should negotiate all gas purchase terms with Russia and that individual EU countries should give up bilateral business contacts with Gazprom, and hence, not sign bilateral contacts. Buzek said this approach would provide a stronger bargaining position. Separate negotiations only lead to internal competition, he warned.
East European countries, the United States, and all proponents of the alternative Nabucco project have been advocating a switch to the proposed pipeline. But this system is based on politics rather than business. Washington wants to use it to "discharge Russia's gas weapon" and reduce the Old World's dependence on Russian gas. This dependence prevents Europe from pursuing a more independent policy and compels it to agree with Russia on many points, which the U.S. dislikes. This standard logic has not been given up even under Nobel Prize winner Barack Obama.
The EU's Eastern bloc countries are mortified that the construction of southern and northern gas pipelines will deprive them of any levers of influence on events in the EU. As long as gas pipelines pass through their territories they will have some transit-based leverage. They will have this influence until 2014 when the EU will convert to a new system of decision making. Under this new system, a decision will be adopted if it is supported by 55% of EU countries with a combined population of no less than 65% of EU total population. For the time being the EU operates on the basis of consensus, which allows small countries with a chronic dislike of Russia to block any decisions regarding it. They have been and continue doing this. A consolidated negotiating mechanism will give them the same right to veto albeit in a somewhat narrower format, gas.
A common, single EU negotiator would not suit either France or Germany. They have long been irritated by the right of the young EU members to block any decisions for strictly political considerations. Most probably, this will not happen, at least for the time being.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, 11:26, you know your Hitlery C. better than we do. Noticed no change in hairdo or anything else. How to know since we never watch the beastly box. What we do know is she's still the harridan of old whose big mouth continues to be a fly-catching trap.

Anonymous said...

December 12, 2009 - Houthi Update
Huh? Morocco and Jordan send elite troops to assist humiliated Saudis in Yemen
UPDATE from the battle: A source close to the military correspondent in the Houthi province of Saada confirmed that elements of the Yemeni forces, which joined with the Saudi army in the last crawl on Mount Rumaih, clashed with the Saudi army with intense bombardment from the Saudi rear as the informed source said. These Yemeni army elements returned with spoils of Saudi Arabia including modern automatic rifles each of which costs more than 15 thousand Saudi Riyals, equivalent to the salary of approximately 40 Yemeni soldiers per month, as well as some of the munitions and supplies. The source revealed that the Saudi army now refuse the participation of the Yemeni army in ground operations. No wonder they need reinforcements from Morocco and Jordan! A Yemeni army conspiracy against Saudis complicates the situation on the ground even more. As for US Special Forces joining the fray, we know what they are worth. No special changes to be expected from their participation.

Anonymous said...

Bankrupt State Of California Starts Selling Office Buildings, CB Richard Ellis Markets Largest Office Portfolio In America
CB Richard Ellis has a brand new client: the bankrupt state of California, which is now attempting to sell what is the largest office portfolio currently marketed nationwide, at 8.7 million square feet. The California Department of General Services has announced CBG has been retained to sell 17 office buildings. The state is hoping the sale will generate more than $660 million in proceeds to offset cuts in the state budget. With a budgetary hole in the billions, California will likely need to throw in quite a bit of beachfront property in order to make it seem like it has the fiscal catastrophe under control. (12.12.09)

Anonymous said...

See, poiuytr was right, real estate up for sale, the only remaining asset.

Anonymous said...

Austria 'to join South Stream gas project'
Tue, 15 Dec 2009
Russia presented South Stream in 2007 as an alternative route around Ukraine and Belarus.
Austria is interested in taking part in Russia's South Stream gas pipeline project, the the country's foreign minister has said.
"If we take a look into the future we will see that this project will play a significant part in gas supplies," RIA Novosti quoted Michael Spindelegger as saying on Monday.
The pipeline project is part of Russia's efforts to cut reliance on transit nations. It is considered as a rival project to the EU-backed Nabucco, which would by-pass Russia.
The Austrian foreign minister said his country decided to join its partners in the construction of the Nabucco pipeline "with the only aim of diversifying natural gas supplies."
"However, we are also interested in the South Stream project, which is viewed as another possibility of diversification," the top Austrian diplomat said. Austrian Economics Ministry spokeswoman Waltraud Kaserer said in November that the aim of the negotiations was to "create the possibility for becoming a member of South Stream."
Russia presented South Stream in 2007 as an alternative route around Ukraine and Belarus.
The South Stream project will bring Russian gas under the Black Sea to Bulgaria, before branching off to Austria or Greece.
The project, backed by Gazprom and Italy's ENI, is scheduled for completion by the end of 2015, with a maximum capacity of 63 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

Anonymous said...

Nato chief Rasmussen in maiden Russia visit
Mr Rasmussen is expected to request Russian help in Afghanistan
Denmark's Anders Fogh Rasmussen is due in Russia on his first visit since becoming Nato secretary general.
It will be the first time any Nato chief has visited the country since relations were badly damaged by the 2008 war between Russia and Georgia.
The three-day visit signifies the alliance's determination to strengthen ties with Moscow, analysts suggest.
The Afghan war and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's plan for European security are likely to be discussed.
Mr Rasmussen will hold talks with Mr Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.
Seeking help
During his visit, the Nato chief is expected to request more Russian help with alliance's military operations in Afghanistan, particularly in the provision of military equipment such as Kalashnikov assault rifles to the emergent Afghan army.
Russia has promised Nato assistance in its Afghan operations, but has drawn the line at sending troops to the country, where its forces spent a troubled 10 years before withdrawing in 1989.

Anonymous said...

Perceived lack of will irks NATO officials
Medvedev's Russia already contributes much, but NATO wants more help. A number of NATO chiefs have complained about what they say is a lack of will shown by the Russians, saying that Moscow could provide more weapons and, instead of selling oil and gas supplies to NATO, they could be providing these supplies for free.
Others say that Russia could have ulterior motives and that it could play to Moscow's advantage to have NATO bogged down in Afghanistan, hindering the alliance's influence in other arenas.
"Russia is in this position where it would benefit from the US and NATO succeeding in Afghanistan but also failing," Daniel Korski, a security and defense expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations, told Deutsche Welle. "China is in the same boat. A victory in Afghanistan would give President Obama a huge boost on the world stage, while defeat would be an advantage to those countries wanting to expand their influence. Continued chaos in Afghanistan seems to be the best outcome for Russia."

Anonymous said...

Castro warns of the empire's new plots
Tue, 15 Dec 2009
Fidel Castro has criticized the US empire for launching an offensive, this time with the help of a “friendly smile and African-American face.”
In a letter to visiting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the 83-year-old former leader warned Latin America that the empire is on the offensive again.
He blamed the US for the Honduran military coup that overthrew deposed president Manuel Zelaya and condemned Washington's latest military accord with Colombia, which allows US forces to use seven Colombian military bases for the next ten years.
Castro's letter was read by Chavez at an ALBA summit in Havana on Monday.
ALBA — a Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America — is an international cooperation organization based on the idea of social, political, and economic integration between the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Castro wrote that those “are the real intentions of the empire, this time under the friendly smile and African-American face of US President Barack Obama,” The Associated Press reported.

Anonymous said...

Developing countries have walked out on the Copenhagen climate talks, but one of the primary reasons as to why nations like China and India have boycotted the summit is being hidden by the corporate media – namely the fact that the negotiations were doomed once poorer countries learned of the globalist’s neo-colonial agenda as a result of the Danish text leak.
“Negotiations at the UN climate summit have been suspended after developing countries withdrew their co-operation,” reports the BBC.
“Delegations were angry at what they saw as moves by the Danish host government to sideline talks on more emission cuts under the Kyoto Protocol. As news spread around the conference centre, activists chanted “We stand with Africa – Kyoto targets now”.
However, the media has completely failed to highlight the real reason behind the walk out –the fact that funds from climate financing, originally allocated to go to the UN and then be doled out piecemeal to third world nations, would instead be paid directly into the coffers of the World Bank and IMF, organizations that have made a habit out of looting poorer countries with crippling debts that cannot be paid back, forcing such countries to hand over their entire infrastructure to globalist loan sharks.
In the leaked Copenhagen text that emerged last week, leaders of third world countries were horrified to discover that developed nations would take on less of a burden than anticipated and that more would be demanded of poorer countries despite the fact that any further cuts in CO2 emissions would further cripple their flimsy economies and poverty-stricken people.
Scam and spam, that's all the west is.

Anonymous said...

16:32 -- NATO on its belly crawling in Moscow like Kissinger and Obama did before him.

Recall the general upheaval when Russia announced "aid", or each time it does that rather, to our fiendish NATO scum by opening the gates of hell for the west parasitic vampires? Afghan is west's private black hole. If it leaves it, it loses. If it stays it is drained to death. NATO needs 100K troops NOW and plans to have them added in 2010Q1. Germany added 200 or 500 troops. UK is adding 1000 or so. Even a child can see the beauty of the Afghan Stalingrad.

Never judge Russia by words, even if issued in Moscow. Judge by results. It's literary weeks, not even months, and west legions of child murdering christianic swill are either vanquished, locked in Afghan Stalingrad pincers, or forced to pay tithes to Taliban as life insurance, etc.

Further crippling of west armies is no more than essential in terms of planet's economic realignment as the west beast is stripped of all its assets, rights, and hopes.


Castro is right -- unfortunately. West parasite has no more options but provoking and winning WWIII and all indications seem to confirm the beast is angling just for that. There was a time when it appeared west war junta will run after they've sacked the west baboons, but they might not have agreed on the place to hide, hence the Dubai prolapse, etc, and so the west simple-minded monkey is going for WWIII ill-believing its own propagandistic barfs. Hence the continent-wide threats from USA now.


BTW -- I'll try to put some brief on this cuz it's real telling -- but the year began with west total prolapse.

All west nations began 2009 with shriveling GDP at some 6%, unemployment of admitted 8-9% in Q1 across USA, UK, Spain (20+%), Germany, UK, etc, and active riot and strike situation from Bulgaria, Latvia, France, UK, Iceland, Ireland led by of course Greece.

Note that Q4, as per west news, rounds off with pretty much the same unemployment #s, no riots safe for Greece at the moment, and actually growing GDPs. Yes west unemployment #s have frozen like west "war death" tally, which froze 6 yrs ago, despite the wonderful exponential prolapse in every direction and mass scale west legion vanquishing.

All the west beast has achieved in the last 3 qtrs is the tightening of its single news channel producing nothing but patent lies, creating super west bankster cabal, and creating de facto one EUnuch-does-baboon union issuing WWIII threats to all.

(poiuytr, just not signed in)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
poiuytr said...

(fyi, the zapped comment was my own)

It's beyond fun, this west terminal prolapse. All west drivel is 100% deceit. All west actions are criminal. It's beyond laughable now.

Look at this sentence for example from the bloomberg mindrapists: "German gross federal bond sales will rise to between 330 billion euros ($482 billion) and 350 billion euros in 2010 compared..."

Sounds good, doesn't it? To the west monkeys this sounds like Germany is selling stuff and they're lulled into their BBCNN-whore-induced catatonia when in reality it means Germany, to survive, will require another loan for 2010. Yes, Germany alone needs 350B EUR for their 2010 budget to stay afloat. And compared to last yrs when Germany took out another mortgage for ~300B EUR, the prolapse is growing at well over 15%. But remember, despite this, German GDP "grew" after # jugglings that even the west econ whores couldn't quite grasp let alone agree on.

All things west are diseased, their words, #s, everything! Like 16:45 above so aptly put "Scam and spam, that's all the west is."

Now, the second part of this fun tale is that both UK and USA, when they "issued bonds" for hundreds of billions to stay afloat 6-8 mo ago raised virtually no loans. UK tried a bank-direct sale bond scheme and eventually, in Q2 just let BoE PRINT cash and borrow from the super-hyperinflated tender. The printing runs at some 30B GBP each and every single month. The same happened in USA and all over the west amalgam cesspit of the most psychotic child-murdering disease ever disgorged on this planet.

All west cesspits today are floated and thus OWNED by literary a handful of banksters. Long gone are days when 60% of USA assets belonged to 400 people. All west proceeds today are going to the banksters to just to square off the rising interest. This is why Obama has thrown his pathetic arms up saying he's got no more cash for the homeless.

This is also exemplified by Grand EUnuchs bullying interest from Greece at the expense of Greeks pushing Athens to choose whom to break: Greece or the Grand EUnuch beastliness.

All west baboons and for endless generations at that are endebted to and owned by a literary a handful of crazed child-murdering coffin-masturbating luciferian lunatics with lots of anti-civilian WMDs.

If this wasn't a fun bright prospect for the west baboons, consider that in Iraq alone, there's 5 million orphans waiting to grow up and avenge their families.

Let's hope the west saxonic monkey gets the size of its masterful laceration and the dismal outlook so it too can enjoy the NBNs jubilations over the demise of its diseased saxonic DNA flaw species from hell.

Anonymous said...

RE: "Perceived lack of will irks NATO officials"

Talk about the imperial arrogance of the West and this talking head Daniel Korski from the European Council of Fascist Relations.

He whines that Russia is not helping NATO enough--as if an aggressor organization like NATO deserves any help.

NATO's war against Afghanistan is a war of aggression designed to "expand the influence" of the Western filth nations thousands of miles from their borders!

Yet this Eurorat acts as if NATO is doing the world some selfless act with its criminal war.

NATO nations deserve not only to be defeated in Afghanistan but to face destruction as nation states for their crimes.

These Western vermin are not only natural born vampires, they have a sense of entitlement that would shame Marie Antoinette.


poiuytr said...

22:30 -- NATO complains about Russia not killing with them

Yes, this is BEYOND insane -- not surprisingly given the IQ of the english-only speaker, english doesn't stretch anywhere near to even begin to describe the degree of this west psychosis -- and the tyrannical lunacy of west's gripes about Russia not helping the child murderers defines the very disease the west cesspit is.

It's like a murderer offering a defence made of random complains about cops intervening with his crime streak.

It's totally crazed and off scale in every sense of morality, reality, humanity, logic...just like all things west. NATO's vulgarities against Russia and its belly crawling begging in Moscow are not the only unique act of west lunacy however.

All west acts are this insane. All west claims are this insane. All west arithmetic is this insane. All west creatures are this insane.

Why, the west baboons believe they figured in 15th century the earth isn't flat. The west monkeys think they invented architecture, arches, aquaducts, letters, and numbers. The pathetic west excremental smear teaches they "DISCOVERED" America, a giant continent adorned with advanced civilisations, the west ugliness genocided in tens of millions and enslaved the rest. The west saxonic filth believes it invented physics, chemistry, and sciences while these perverts espouse now that Boeings can vapourise and buildings can spontaneously turn into dust. The west populaces of the ugliest miscreants think they invented literature when all they ever achieved in this field was to badly copy and brutally censor ancient history, texts, while wiping out library after library from Babylon, Alexandria, to Carthage and Alhambra. Hell, most of the west spawn of the saxonic whore don't even know where Alhambra or Carthage are. A vast majority of the yank baboon can't find Iran on a Middle East map.

West is THE disease, make no mistake! And the disease isn't limited to just the west war junta. It spawns the entire west miscivilisation from the tops down to the street hairy cubicle beasts that flaunt IQs that on a good day match their boot size.

Never in the 2000 yrs this baltic saxon whore murderous offspring has been raping the planet, has west done one single thing that could be remotely regarded as laudable or beneficial for mankind.

Never in its vile history of perpetual war on all life-forms, has the west beast ever confronted anyone armed. The greatest murdering parasite is also the grandest coward slaking its vampire lust on children of the Freeworld.

That's right, the parasitic west populaces of right saxonic deviants lives off the blood of planet's children.

West imports food, clothes, slaves, and organs. West exports disease, poverty, war, genocide, torture, lies via its satellite network of BBCNN beset by combed defoliated TV whores monkeys.

West is THE disease!


poiuytr said...

West has been this brain-twisted for its entire life. West is nothing but 2000 yrs of this degree psychopathic lunacy mixed with satanic evil serial genocidal criminality.

It's just now thanks to the west's desperation and growing pain that west no longer bothers or has energy to check its own verminous barfings that this insanity is readily available.

USA's recent war threat against SouthAm is no less psychotic. West "growing" GDP #s are the product of a right demented fiend. West "out of recession" orgies are patent west-wide cesspit madness. Sarkozy's new 35B EUR "industry loan" that "isn't really a loan" is the very definition of the most mind-rotted burgeoning insanity ever witnessed. Only a true knuckle-dragging monkey could still remain sitting in its cubicle cage or glued to the BBCNN mindrape.

Every single word, act, thought from west is that of a beyond deranged madcap patient shuffling in his sick room muttering vulgarities under his breath with machines keeping the right wretched satanic jesus-slurping offal alive.

And that's not even mentioning west's vile evil crimes committed on its favourite target: defenceless children.

Indeed, west is "the" disease. Or rather, west has always been THE disease.

And that's why, brothers and sisters of the Freeworld, come celebrate with NBN the terminal prolapse of this uniquely genetically deranged child-murdering creature from the very depths of all hells. Raise glass tonight and celebrate the rising west homelessness, the hunger eating the west right wretches, the prolapsing banks, the vanishing west legions of christianic child-torturing orphan making refuse, the baboon dwellings sinking down the prolapse abyss, the wars exploding among the west pirate factions or looters, liars, and genocidal maniacs, the Detroit-like circumstances awaiting all west settlements.

Anonymous said...

Syria will defend Iran if Israel attacks: If Israel does attack Iran's nuclear facilities, it will undoubtedly result in a regional war after Iran and Syria signed a mutual defense agreement on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

We raised that glass along with you, poiuytr, not to doubt for a second. May you in your righteous rage and zeal be proved prophetic in every respect. O west decline before the sun goes down again and the Freeworld thrive in a world created anew.

Anonymous said...

A slow wearisome business this winding up of the west. Some landmarks as we travel the road to perdition:

ALBA alliance forgoes US dollar: The member nations of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, ALBA, have decided to give up the US dollar in trading between them. They will instead use the sucre conventional monetary unit.

Gulf nations sign monetary pact: Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia signed and ratified the pact on Tuesday, which will see them work towards setting up a joint central bank and implementing a single currency.

Anonymous said...

US and Russia close on nuclear treaty
Obama and Medvedev could sign agreement on nuclear arms reduction at Copenhagen summit this week

Anonymous said...

Currency for Arab states
Gulf petro-powers propose latest threat to dollar hegemony.

Anonymous said...

Britain worrying about inflation, ha! They haven't seen anything yet.
Inflation started rising as Sterling started faltering in the Autumn of 2007. The BoE then started its rate slashing spree which led to an outflow of currency from Sterling; exactly what the UK didn't need.
We may witness a fall in the value of the Euro with Greece's debt problems coming to the fore (and Italy's and Spain's possibly to follow), giving an illusion of a Sterling 'recovery', however all that will mean is that the Eurozone will catch up with the UK in the inflation stakes,

Anonymous said...

Two years late, Boeing's Dreamliner takes to the skies (15.12.09)
More than two years late, Boeing's 787 Dreamliner jet took to the skies Tuesday, in a critical milestone for the problem-plagued aircraft seen as key to the US aerospace giant's future.
Under dreary skies, the Dreamliner took off at 10:27 am (1827 GMT) to loud applause from those gathered at Paine Field near Boeing's plant in the western state of Washington, returning just over three hours later.


Does anyone have the heart to tell them that air travel is a dying business?

Anonymous said...

Boeing's (snicker) Dreamliner is about as trustworthy as a paper airpline.

Anonymous said...

Good to know, 09:44, we'll avoid it like the plague if ever it comes our way.

Anonymous said...

Quenzjor, if you chance to read these lines, how are things with you? Hope we'll hear from you one of these days. A person of thought like yourself has a lot to offer the world. And one thing that occurred to me about poiuytr. You called him a dogmatist. Perhaps what he actually is is a moralist, likely the last of his kind in this shambolic society of plenty.

Anonymous said...

EU, IMF Revolt: Greece, Iceland, Latvia May Lead the Way
Iceland, Latvia and Greece are all in a position to call the bluff of the IMF and EU. In an October 1 article called "Latvia - the Insanity Continues," Marshall Auerback maintained that Latvia's debt problem could be fixed over a weekend, by a list of measures including (1) not answering the phone when foreign creditors call the government; (2) declaring the banks insolvent, converting their external debt to equity, and having them reopen with full deposit insurance guaranteed in local currency; and (3) offering "a local currency minimum wage job that includes healthcare to anyone willing and able to work as was done in Argentina after the Kirchner regime repudiated the IMF's toxic package of debt repayment."
Issuing and lending currency is the sovereign right of governments, and it is a right that small European countries lose when they join the EU. Argentina is a large country with more resources than Iceland, Latvia or Greece, but new technologies are now available that could make even small countries self-sufficient.

Anonymous said...

The Worst-Run Big City in the U.S. - 16.12.09
Despite its good intentions, San Francisco is not leading the country in gay marriage. Despite its good intentions, it is not stopping wars. Despite its spending more money per capita on homelessness than any comparable city, its homeless problem is worse than any comparable city's. Despite its spending more money per capita, period, than almost any city in the nation, San Francisco has poorly managed, budget-busting capital projects, overlapping social programs no one is certain are working, and a transportation system where the only thing running ahead of schedule is the size of its deficit.

Anonymous said...

Israel's Leaders on the Run by Gilad Atzmon - 16.12.09 (excerpts)- Arrest warrant out for Livni in Britain:
Livni clarified that she “doesn't view the arrest warrant as a personal offense, but rather one that affects Israel as a whole.” She is obviously right. The Israeli society is regarded by the growing European masses as a criminal exterminatory state. The arrest warrants against Israeli leaders are indeed just a symbolic act.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry is almost as amusing as its bigot Minister Avigdor Liberman. In an official statement the Ministry declared "We appreciate the British government's desire to play a central role in the Middle East peace process, and thus we expected it to translate the importance it gives its relations with Israel into actions.” Let’s face it, intimidating is a common Israeli tactic. Yet, the fact that Israelis want us to believe that they are heading towards peace is less than comical, it is downright treacherous. Britain is not going to play a part in the ‘peace process’ because there is no such process.
In response to the warrant, Livni deflecting personal guilt said Tuesday that “she would not accept any accusation that compared Israel Defense Forces soldiers to terrorists.” She is actually correct. The so-called ‘terrorists’ are in fact freedom fighters. Israel on the other hand is a racist expansionist state. Its military forces are engaged in a continuous crime against humanity. Israel is as vicious as Nazi Germany but in practice, it is far worse for it is a ‘democracy’. Its murderous practices are a direct reflection of its peoples wishes expressed in a democratic vote. At the peak of the IDF's brutal Gaza campaign 94% of the Israelis supported the lethal measures against the Palestinian population. Israelis are not terrorists, they are actually the embodiment of terror

Anonymous said...

Moody’s warns of 'social unrest’ as sovereign debt spirals (15.12.09)
Britain and other countries with fast-rising government debts must steel themselves for a year in which “social and political cohesiveness” is tested, Moody’s warned.
Riot police clash with protestors during an anti G20 demonstration near the Bank of England.
Moody's has warned future tax rises and spending cuts could trigger more social unrest.
In a sombre report on the outlook for next year, the credit rating agency raised the prospect that future tax rises and spending cuts could trigger social unrest in a range of countries from the developing to the developed world.
It said that in the coming years, evidence of social unrest and public tension may become just as important signs of whether a country will be able to adapt as traditional economic metrics. Signalling that a fiscal crisis remains a possibility for a leading economy, it said that 2010 would be a “tumultuous year for sovereign debt issuers”.

Anonymous said...

Right, then, riot police in NBN above, riot police at G20 meeting, riot police out in Copenhagen at time of writing. The three armed wings of power, the soldier, the mercenary and the policeman. Last-named is probably going to become a feature of west life in days ahead. Followed by the other two at some undefined stage?

Anonymous said...

Hundreds arrested as climate talks sour
Toronto Star | Danish police fired pepper spray and beat protesters with batons as hundreds of protesters tried to disrupt the conference.

Anonymous said...

And what about the blueprint for a Militarised Stability Police Force to take care of internal security issues.

Anonymous said...

Russian Federation Council gives president green light to deploy troops abroad
The upper house of the Russian parliament on Wednesday approved a bill allowing the use of Russian military forces in foreign countries, including pre-emptive strikes.
The US set a very dangerous precedent! Let's hope Russia makes better use of this latest weapon in its arsenal.

Anonymous said...

"New goat flu outbreaks in Netherlands, 6 killed
... to be followed by elephant flu, starfish flu, tit flu (it's a bird, you dirty-minded bastard!) and finally duck-billed platypus flu!"

Duck-billed platypuses are so cute though!

Anonymous said...

Pakistan court annuls amnesty deal (16.12.09)
The unfavourable ruling could see Zardari
stripped of the presidency
Pakistan's supreme court has declared that an amnesty deal that had protected President Asif Ali Zardari and other politicians from corruption charges is illegal.
The country's highest court said the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) amnesty was "unconstitutional".
Wednesday's ruling paves the way for challenges to Zardari's already shaky rule.
The decision will raise fresh doubts about Zardari's political future, even though he is protected from prosecution by presidential immunity.
However, the ruling leaves thousands of other officials, including cabinet ministers loyal to Zardari, facing reopened corruption and other criminal cases.

Pak several steps forward towards regaining mastery over its own fate.

Anonymous said...

Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline could undermine Russian plans?
On December 3, Uzbekistan's state-run energy company Uzbekneftegaz announced that it aimed to test the first stage of the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline on December 15. (The pipeline was inaugurated this week at a ceremony attended by Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, Chinese President Hu Jintao, Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov, Radio Free Europe reported. See China ends Russia's grip on Turkmen gas, Asia Times Online, December 16, 2009.)
The construction of Uzbekistan's 530-kilometer section of the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline started in July 2008. The project's first stage is due on stream in January 2010. The second stage is expected to be completed by the end of 2011, thus raising the pipeline capacity up to 40 billion cubic meters (bcm) per year. The pipeline is estimated to cost US$2.975 billion.
Therefore, the project's first stage will have taken less than four years to build. In April 2006, late Turkmen president Saparmurat Niyazov and Chinese President Hu signed a framework agreement on oil and gas cooperation in Beijing. China pledged to purchase 30 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas annually at the Turkmenistan border over 30 years to be supplied via the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline. The pipeline project moved ahead as Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan resolved their disagreements on how to share gas deposits near the border. Uzbekistan is an important transit nation for Turkmenistan because parts of the existing Central Asia-Center gas pipeline network, as well as the gas pipeline to China, pass through Uzbek territory. In October 2007, during Uzbek President Karimov's visit to the Turkmen capital of Ashgabat, a bilateral treaty was signed and the two countries pledged to jointly explore and develop gas deposits on the right bank of Amu Darya River to fill the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline.
By contrast, Russian plans to build gas pipelines to China have been discussed for more than five years. In October 2004, Russian gas giant Gazprom and China's state-run CNPC clinched a partnership deal, including plans to supply natural gas. In March 2006, Gazprom and CNPC signed a memorandum on the delivery of Russian natural gas to China from 2011.
Âll talk and no action to follow it up?

Anonymous said...

The Copenhagen Conundrum - 16.12.09
Danish academic Bjorn Lomborg has made famous the phrase “Copenhagen Consensus” which posits that money aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions would be better spent addressing other health and welfare challenges, like preventing the spread of HIV and AIDS.
Well, now that thousands of politicians and environmentalists are meeting in Copenhagen to discuss ways to achieve drastic cuts in global carbon dioxide emissions, it’s time to recognize a new term: the Copenhagen Conundrum. The conundrum is obvious: given that billions of people are still living in dire energy poverty, how can world leaders expect any significant reduction in global carbon dioxide emissions, particularly when there are no viable substitutes for hydrocarbons, which now provide 88% of the world’s primary energy?
The Copenhagen Conundrum can easily be understood by considering these two facts: 22% of the world’s population doesn’t have electricity, and nearly 40% still relies on traditional biomass – straw, wood, or dung – for their cooking needs.
The issues of energy poverty and population are closely intertwined. And that connection can be seen by looking at the world’s six most populous countries. They are, in descending order of population: China, India, the US, Indonesia, Brazil and Pakistan. The energy disparity among the residents of these countries is stark. The US, with about 300 million residents, consumes almost as much energy as the other five most-populous countries – let’s call them the Big Five — combined. The total population of the Big Five – Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and Pakistan – is about 3 billion, or about 10 times that of the US. And yet the average resident of the Big Five lives in energy poverty. The 3 billion residents of the Big Five consume, on average, about 0.66 gallons of oil equivalent per day, or about one-tenth as much energy as the average American.
Per-Capita Energy Use In the Six Most-Populous Countries, In Gallons of Oil Equivalent Per Day
China: 1.26
India: 0.31
US: 6.32
Brazil: 0.97
Indonesia: 0.44
Pakistan: 0.32
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.

Anonymous said...

Austria: Genocide Charges against Ehud Barak: Yesterday, at almost the same time when Ehud Barak was being given military honors at Ehud Barakthe defense ministry, genocide charges against him were being presented at the office of the Austrian prosecutor, only about 15 minutes walking away.

Anonymous said...

Nato appeals to Russia for more help in Afganistan - 16.12.09
The head of Nato appealed to Russia for greater help with the war in Afghanistan yesterday as he sought to repair relations between the military alliance and Moscow.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen asked President Medvedev to supply helicopters and prepare pilots for the Afghan air force, and expand training for Afghan police in Russia. It was the first visit by a Nato leader since Russia’s war with Georgia last year caused the most serious rift in relations since the Cold War.
That collective snickering sound you're hearing is that created by Russian leadership, trying not to laugh their heads off at how completely the US and NATO are making every single mistake that the old Soviet Union made during its occupation of Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

S&P downgrades Greece while concerns mount over secret defence budget
Standard & Poor’s has become the second rating agency to downgrade Greek sovereign debt to near junk levels of BBB+, issuing a withering verdict on Spartan plans unveiled this week by premier George Papandreou.
“The downgrade reflects our opinion that the measures to reduce the high fiscal deficit are unlikely, on their own, to lead to a sustainable reduction in the public debt burden. If political considerations and social pressures hamper progress, we could lower the ratings further,” it said.
The move came as Spyros Papanikolaou, head of Greece’s Public Debt Management Agency, held back-to-back meetings with bankers in London in a bid to stop the crisis spiralling out of control. Yields on 10-year Greek bonds surged to 5.75pc, a spread of 254 basis points over German Bunds. Borrowing costs are nearing levels that risk setting off an interest compound spiral. The public debt is already 113pc of GDP. S&P said it is likely to reach 138pc by 2012. “The increasing debt-service burden narrows the scope for debt stabilization,” it said.
Fitch Ratings precipitated the Greek crisis earlier this month with a surprisingly harsh downgrade to BBB+, accompanied by a “negative outlook”.
“Greek military accounts seem to be regarded as a state secret,” said Chris Pryce, Fitch’s director of sovereign ratings. “In every other EU country we can find out how much they spend on defence, but we don’t know for Greece. All we know is that their military spending is very large, around 5pc of GDP,” he said.

Anonymous said...

Houthis: Another Saudi crawl stopped, US killing continues )16.12.09)
Saudi army tried to crawl this morning on the (Gabry )front from the northern side of Khowaya, and with the help of God, was broken, two tanks were destroyed, and the Saudi army fled to the rear, and continued rocket fire on (Mount Dukhan, Almdod, Rumaih, Markaz Gabri). Throughout the day more than (312) missiles, and bombing by Apache (Malahit and Hawia, and Almagada) with more than (30) attacks.
Meanwhile, U.S. war-planes circled the skies of the northern areas throughout the day, shelling (the Alhareba) and destroying a Yemeni house killing at least (7) martyrs of the family of Al Almataish, and U.S. war-planes also bombed the city of (Al Saqien) and an entire family are still under the rubble. We will bring you the details when they are received.
US Aircraft also bombed the (Maran area), and destroyed a number of Yemeni houses in (the village Algamima, and Kherban, and Alhisma).

Anonymous said...

RE: Greece
The jig is up, party over! Years of sponging off Europe is hopefully over. Why should European countries pay for their state system, which has more workers than the UK and France. Some retire in their thirties & forties. Also, they shouldn't have to pay full tax, no, let Europe make up the short fall. Get them out of the EU. No one would miss them!

Anonymous said...

The Commercial Real Estate Default Wave is Here: Commercial Mortgage Defaults Now at 16 Year High. 3.4 Percent of all Commercial Real Estate Loans in Default (17.12.09)
What has been lost in the housing talk recovery is the grim statistics that commercial real estate has fallen 37 percent in value in the last year. This wouldn’t be such a big problem aside from the tiny detail that some $3 trillion in commercial real estate loans are still outstanding.

Anonymous said...

What's all this fuss about Greece and its secret budget? Have a look below. They're all doing it:
Alistair Darling in cover-up scandal as he is accused of not revealing full extent of Britain's debt (17.12.09)
Alistair Darling has been accused of covering up horrifying figures showing interest payments alone on Britain's vast national debt will soon be twice the defence budget.

Anonymous said...

Nato fails to gain Russia aid in Afghanistan
Mr Rasmussen said he had presented Moscow with 'concrete proposals'
Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has failed to gain any commitment from Russia to help win the war against the Taliban insurgency.
On Wednesday Mr Rasmussen asked Moscow to provide helicopters to Afghanistan and also requested Russian help in training the Afghan air force. But he told the BBC he had received no positive response from the Kremlin.

Anonymous said...

Zardari has assets of 1.5 billion dollars: The National Accountability Bureau said Zardari's riches, including properties in America, Britain and Spain, were "beyond his means".
Opposition calls on Zardari to quit: Pakistan leader under fire after court voids deal protecting him from graft charges.
Pakistan coup denied, minister blocked from leaving: A spokesman for Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari dismissed on Friday rumours of a coup that started after a government minister suspected of corruption was stopped from leaving the country. (18.12.09)
This blog predicted a long time ago that Pakistan after its long march and the reinstatement of the head of its Supreme Court, Iftheqar Choudrhi, was in a pre-rev phase. Well, here goes. And through the courts of law to boot. Now that the infamous NRO has been rescinded, the present government is no more than a feather waiting to be blown away.

Anonymous said...

Standard & Poor's, Moody's, Fitch Ratings, what the hell? Who appointed these zio agencies as world econoimic evaluaters? They come from a bankrupted zious and they would better properly grade their own economy. Only the sinking ziowests institutions care about such idiotic ratings.

Anonymous said...

President Hugo Chavez Lambasts Capitalism at COP15

Venezuela President Hugo Chavez took the stage at COP15 and launched his own protest. He declared, "If the climate was a capitalist bank, the rich governments would have saved it."

Before linking the economic crisis to the climate one, Mr. Chavez's scathing critique invoked the ghost of Karl Marx and praised street protesters drawing some applause from the audience. He went on to criticize what he sees as the destructive practices of the capitalist system, Chavez said that he fears that the "infinite model" of capitalism will exhaust the finite resources of the environment.

Posted December 18, 2009

Anonymous said...

Suggested Nato aid
Poisoned food
Sugar in fuel
Flat tires
Broken radios
Blank ammo
Syphillis hookers
Fauwlty parachutes
All given away for free
From Russia with love

Anonymous said...

NATO will never attack Russia: Alliance chief
NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has sought to reassure Moscow that the alliance poses no danger to Russia amid Kremlin bids for a new European-Atlantic defense pact. After talks with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and other Russian leaders on Thursday, Rasmussen questioned the need for the new security treaty proposed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
"Let me make a very clear statement as Secretary General of NATO: NATO will never attack Russia. Never. And we don't think Russia will attack us. We have stopped worrying about this and Russia should stop worrying about us as well."
However, Rasmussen, during a speech to students and diplomats in Moscow, urged both sides to stop viewing each other as threats.
According to a draft published on November 29, Medvedev envisions a post-cold war security pact to replace NATO and other institutions. It focuses mainly on military security and seeks to restrict the ability of any country to unilaterally use force.
While repeatedly appealing for aid in Afghanistan and urging greater cooperation in the war-torn country, Rasmussen said he did not "see a need for new treaties or new legally binding documents because we do have a framework already."
And Russia should lap this all up like a greedy cat?

Anonymous said...

Special Sign of Friendship: NATO jets shadow Russian bombers over Arctic, Atlantic /17.12.09) - r Novosti
Two Russian Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers that carried out a routine patrol flight over the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans were shadowed by 'regular' NATO fighters, the Defense Ministry said on Thursday.
Spokesman Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik said the bombers spent over 12 hours in the air on Thursday and were shadowed by two NATO F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters.
A similar patrol mission on September 29 was shadowed by an F-22 Raptor that uses stealth technology, reportedly the first time the world's only fifth-generation fighter aircraft was sent out to keep an eye on Russian planes.
Russian strategic bombers resumed patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans in August 2007, following an order from then-president Vladimir Putin, and are usually shadowed by less sophisticated NATO aircraft.
All flights by Russian aircraft are performed in strict compliance with international law on the use of airspace over neutral waters, without intruding in the airspace of other states, the ministry said.
Russia has yet to develop a fifth-generation fighter and is only planning to start testing a prototype, known as the T-50, in 2010. Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin has said the fighter, which has been under development since the 1990s, will enter service with the Air Force in 2015.

Anonymous said...

Ahmadinejad blames capitalism for climate change - 17.12.09 - Ria Novosti
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday pointed to capitalism and liberal economics as the main causes of man-made climate change, and called for a new global economic system. "Capitalism and liberal economics destroy nature," Ahmadinejad said at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen. The values of a society focused on consumption are detrimental to nature, he added.

Anonymous said...

Citigroup's shares hit by US capital-raising
An attempt to raise $20bn has been branded a humiliation for the bank and US Government as it failed to attract investors (Times Online)

Anonymous said...

Great radio analysis of the USA's real agenda in Obama's "surge":

“Obama declares war on Pakistan”

Anonymous said...

11:04 - Obama can declare war on whomever he cares. Doesn't mean it's going to happen. Everyone seems marvellously impressed by the surge the second story. Does no one think that all things previously will go the way of all flesh?

Anonymous said...

All of what you say is correct. But I hate to state that your sources are all west shills, therefore unreliable in the extreme, specially that Jeremy Scarhill or whatever. US can do its damnedest, it will still get nowhere in Pakistan.

Anonymous said...

Another development not without interest:
Russia to ban swearing, we read this morning. Which makes one wonder whether they'll ever let poiuytr in again.

Anonymous said...

Et Tu, Russia?

"U.S. Uses NATO as a Tool to Integrate Russia Into its Project for a New World Order - Expert"

Anonymous said...

Well, Russia is only human, after all. How could it resist the blandishments of its west friends?

Anonymous said...

Treasuries, Treasuries Everywhere, but Not an Aggressive Bidder to Bid (18.12.09)
Sure, they’re still buying very short-term Treasuries like mad. It’s not like the government is going to default tomorrow, or that inflation is going to surge overnight. But auctions of 10-year and 30-year bonds are getting progressively worse, with demand dropping as supply ramps up.

Anonymous said...

Final Copenhagen Text Includes Global Transaction Tax (18.12.09)
The final Copenhagen draft agreement which was hammered out in the early hours of Friday morning includes provisions for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank, as President Obama prepares to bypass Congress by approving a massive transfer of wealth from America into globalist hands.
The final agreement may not force countries to meet CO2 emission targets, but it will grease the skids for the biggest tax hike in human history, a fact that establishment media outlets have completely failed to emphasize.
Copenhagen isn't even dealing with CO2; they are just justifying new global taxes and hoping nobody has the balls to kick down the doors of the Tuileries and toss their asses in a tumbrel.

Anonymous said...

Islamic insurgents hack into CIA state-of-the-art Predator drones (18.12.09)
Predator drones used by the CIA against Islamic militants have been hacked into by insurgents using nothing more sophisticated than a $25.95 (£16) off-the-shelf software, it was revealed last night.
Although the insurgents were not able to control the $20 million aircraft, typically armed with Hellfire missiles and flown over the battlefields of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, they could watch live video feeds beamed back to US control stations through their electronic “eyeballs”.
The hackers’ success raises the disturbing possibility of the Predators being taken over and used to attack US or British forces, or perhaps even domestic targets.
Fact or fantasy? Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Panic in Detroit: Unemployment Stands at 50%
Infowars | Nearly one out of two workers in Detroit are unemployed, according to a report by The Detroit News.

Anonymous said...

14:56: Their "revelations" always stink to high heaven. If not the case this time, then naturally a breakthrough.

Anonymous said...

"The hackers’ success raises the disturbing possibility of the Predators being taken over and used to attack US or British forces, or perhaps even domestic targets."

Disturbing? Nonsense. If so, this is a wonderful development.

American and other Western stormstroopers being killed by their own death machines.

I hope soon to see the scum at the Pentagon and White House fleeing for their lives from Predator Drones.

Anonymous said...

23:42 - I 2nd your heartfelt comment. But it sounds too good to be true. Or is the Sky Grabber software in question going to turn out to be the Stringer of the new Mujaheddin?

Anonymous said...

Remote-controlled death machines!
I wonder if the same technology that goes into remote-piloting a Predator drone was used to slam the aircraft into the WTC towers on 9/11? How sick must a society be that would develop such insidious things. The government would rather have the means to deliver death by remote-control than provide proper education and health care to its citizens.

Anonymous said...

Who's in charge in nuclear-armed U.S. ally Pakistan? (18.12.09)
Pakistan, a country that's critical to the U.S.-led war on terrorism, Friday appeared to be sliding toward a judicial coup, in which judges are moving to oust top officials in the civilian government, but without putting the military, or anyone else, in charge.
Just who's running this nuclear-armed country of 165 million — the independent judiciary or another arm of the state — is unclear. The government, led by President Asif Ali Zardari, appeared paralyzed, and a creeping change in command seemed to be under way.
The US had to know this was coming, once the amnesty against various politicians for corruption issues was lifted.
One has to wonder if that person who may well replace Zardari has been picked by the US because the US and NATO see this individual potentially "more compliant" with US/NATO demands.
The answer to that, WRH, is a simple "NO". This might come as a shock but everything in this world is not US/NATO. Pakis have just taken off on a revolution of their own.

Anonymous said...

Kazkhstan mulls China land deal (18.12.09)
Kazakhstan has a unique problem. It's long on land and short on the people to farm it. The Central Asian country is huge - about six times the size of France - but has less than one-quarter of France's population - just 16 million people.
Although Kazakhstan's desert and mountainous regions are not arable, its ample steppe land is, and enough of the Kazakh population turns to farming it to make the country one of the world's leading grain producers. There is still an ample amount of land that goes uncultivated, however.
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed this issue during a recent meeting of his office's Council of Foreign Investors on December 4. He surprised many when he mentioned a possible solution, saying neighboring China was interested in renting 1 million hectares of Kazakh farmland.

Russia someday soon might have to consider similar land deals with China or other countries of its choice.

Anonymous said...

Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure
Deal that is not legally binding thrashed out at talks damned as climate change denial in action
(Summing up = The Guardian. They know nothing about false flag, but about this, which they were so heavily promoting, they should know, shouldn't they?)

Anonymous said...

claim of US attack plans

Dutch deny Chavez claim they are letting US use Caribbean islands to ready attack on Venezuela (AP News) - 18.12.09
The Dutch government denied Friday that it is allowing the United States to use Caribbean islands to prepare a possible military attack against Venezuela as that country's president contends.
A spokesman said Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen had asked Venezuela's ambassador to clarify the claims made by President Hugo Chavez in a speech Thursday at the climate summit in Copenhagen.
Foreign ministry spokesman Bart Rijs said the United States does use civilian air fields on the self-governing islands of Curacao and Aruba, but the U.S. forces are solely combating narcotic trafficking and use unarmed aircraft.
The Venezuelan leader had accused the U.S. military of sending intelligence agents, war ships and spy planes to Aruba, Curacao and another self-governing Dutch island, Bonaire, in preparation for an attack to topple him from power.
Comment please, poiuytr. Getting more serious by the day, what? Time up for SouthAm? They should get themselves some Sky Grabber software too.

Anonymous said...

Hackers steal S Korean-US military secrets
Hacked data contains plans for military operations by South Korean and US troops in case of war on Korean peninsula
SEOUL: South Korea’s military said on Friday it was investigating a hacking attack that netted secret defence plans with the United States and may have been carried out by North Korea.

All these breaking stories about hacker activity, all at the same time make one feel highly suspicious. Either in search of further pretexts for war or then to patrol the internet as they wish?

Anonymous said...

"All these breaking stories about hacker activity, all at the same time make one feel highly suspicious. Either in search of further pretexts for war or then to patrol the internet as they wish?"

Yes. Possibly both motivations.

Anonymous said...

Bhutto tells David Frost that Bin laden is dead and was killed by .... What does Frost do with such a momentous statement from a president candidate? Asks the next question and obeys his ear piece. bhutto as president would have been a loose cannon. Au revoir to that risk boom. Husband has always been a corrupt stooge.
I imagine the Indians watching on from stands as Pakistan disintegrates politically with such foreign puppeteering. Just as their allies "watched from the stands" as the Palestinians internal fighting and puppet leader (see such plans for a leader like Abbas in teh White paper: "Israel, securing the realm" replacing Arafat with a Jordanian supplied stooge so jordan gets control of religious sites..
I doubt this chap will live to testify-imagine if he blew the whistle too...... Alas for PAkistan. Coalition of the swilling .
What will happen to the peace pipeline now?

Anonymous said...

Most expensive war in American history; US burn rate $5m every hour in Afghanistan - 18.12.09
The Pentagon has an evocative term for the level of spending on a war: burn rate. In Afghanistan, it has been running at around $5 million every hour for much of the year. The burn rate will begin going up next week when the first of an additional 30,000 US troops arrive.
Once they are all in place, the burn rate is estimated to exceed $10 million an hour, or more than $8 billion a month. Much of that is literally burned — in the engines of American jeeps, trucks, tanks, aircraft and power generators. On average, each of the 183,000 soldiers currently deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq requires 22 gallons of fuel a day, according to a study by the international accounting firm Deloitte.

Anonymous said...

2010 Food Crisis Means Financial Armageddon
Eric de Carbonnel - Friday, December 18, 2009
If you read any economic, financial, or political analysis for 2010 that doesn’t mention the food shortage looming next year, throw it in the trash, as it is worthless. There is overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the world will run out of food next year. When this happens, the resulting triple digit food inflation will lead panicking central banks around the world to dump their foreign reserves to appreciate their currencies and lower the cost of food imports, causing the collapse of the dollar, the treasury market, derivative markets, and the global financial system. The US will experience economic disintegration.
The 2010 Food Crisis Means Financial Armageddon
Over the last two years, the world has experience faced a series of unprecedented financial crisis: the collapse of the housing market, the freezing of the credit markets, the failure of Wall Street brokerage firms (Bear Stearns/Lehman Brothers), the failure of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the failure of AIG,
Iceland’s economic collapse, the bankruptcy of the major auto manufacturers (General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler), etc… In the face of all these challenges, the demise of the dollar, derivative markets, and the modern international system of credit has been repeatedly anticipated and feared. However, all these doomsday scenarios have so far been proved false, and, despite tremendous chaos and losses, the global financial system has held together.
The 2010 Food Crisis is different. It is THE CRISIS. The one that makes all doomsday scenarios come true. The government bailouts and central bank interventions which have held the financial world during the last two years will be powerless to prevent the 2010 Food Crisis from bringing the global financial system to its knees.

Anonymous said...

Houthi Update:
Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Suspected "Terrorists" (18.12.09)
As many as 120 people were killed in the three raids, according to reports from Yemen, and opposition leaders said many of the dead were innocent civilians.
Typical US macho stuff against the defenceless, the unarmed.

Anonymous said...

US banks failures hit 140: Seven more US banks have been shut down by regulators, bringing to 140 the number of failed American banks this year.

Anonymous said...

The end of Saudi Arabia, the end of United Yemen.
While the pussy King of Saudi Arabia, fights the Houthis to hold on to his faltering throne, and Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh fights the Houthis to stay in power for another forty years; the USA has planned a plan for otherwise. Pushing both countries to fight an un-winnable war. Pushing Moslems to kill Moslems, just like Satan.
The destruction of both countries is on the table for the “New Middle East”.
Saudi Arabia is already cracking up at the seams, facing revolt for taking sides with Zionists against Iran, killing the Moslems of Yemen with white phosphorus and F16’s, just like Israelis, doing nothing to protect Jerusalem the first Qibla of Islam, nothing for Gaza, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Nothing for the poor of Arabia, and Palestine, no charity, no Moslem humility in his golden robes.
But the plan has fallen. The Houthis have taken Saudi invaders prisoner. They killed their tanks, sacked Saudi military bases, captured heavy weapons and ammunition, including high-tech communications and US made night vision equipment and sniper rifles. Saudi missile bases are now under attack, inside the Kingdom, around Al-Khoba. While USA and Saudi jets attack from the sky, Houthis advance on the ground, day by day ever stronger in the Arab and Moslem street, together with elements of the Yemeni army, experts in explosives and rockets, now in mutiny, to join the battle against the Saudi invaders.
And poor Ali Saleh already defeated. Houthis have long captured more than 130 of his military bases, complete with weapons and ammunition, in the North of Yemen, and now he faces an ever rising voice from secessionist freedom fighters in the South of Yemen. The President of Yemen, Ancient Land of the Queen of Sheba, invites America and Saudi forces to kill his own people?
This war cannot be stopped. The chaos has spread into the very veins of the conspiring West. The magic has turned against the magician. Satan’s plan for “Constructive Chaos” in the region has unintended consequences. The blow back against the Zionists is cataclysmic. War criminals are imprisoned. Tongues and hands amputated for heinous lies and deeds. The two Qiblas are now free.
Peace has been restored as an Empire.
The King of Light has emerged in the flesh out of darkness and chaos: Truth and Justice always wins in the end.

Anonymous said...

"The King of Light has emerged in the flesh out of darkness and chaos: Truth and Justice always wins in the end."

Truth and Justice must be fought for and claimed. They will not come of their own accord.

It is by the hand (and blood) of man--with some inspiration from the Divine--that truth and justice will prevail.

Anonymous said...

In other words, man must finally learn to become a human being and cease to be a baboon. And for truth and justice finally to emerge, the west must be overturned.

Anonymous said...

ALBA rejects documents of UN climate conference
CARACAS, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) — The countries of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas (ALBA) Friday rejected the climate change document the UN Climate Change Conference is discussing in Copenhagen.
The rejection, led by Venezuela and Bolivia, was announced during a press conference broadcast live by Venezuelan TV. During the joint press conference, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said the document was “tricks” supported by the United States.
The ALBA representatives, also including Bolivian President Evo Morales, Cuban Vice President Esteban Lazo and Ecuadorian National Patrimony Minister Maria Fernanda Espinoza, criticized the Capitalist model dominating the world’s economy which put human life at risk.
“It is about the hegemonic model, and that is why the United States made a tricky proposal, offering money as if that was the problem,” Chavez added. According to Chavez, 40 percent of the vehicles in the world are in the United States, which has five percent of the world’s population consuming 25 percent of energy on the planet.
“Obama said he did not come here to talk but to take action. But, first he should fulfill the Kyoto Protocol and use the money for saving lives instead of killing. Then we will believe him,” said Bolivian President Evo Morales. “What we are discussing here is if we are going to live or die,” he added.
“We know how to do things, but we ask them to stop harming us,” said Cuban Vice President Esteban Lazo. Lazo added that U.S. citizens should not rest content with Obama’s performance at the conference — “on the contrary, they should be worried.”
Meanwhile, Ecuador’s National Patrimony Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa said that the ALBA countries were protesting against practices violating the UN Charter. She added that the procedure, form and content of the climate document were questioned by the ALBA, which refuses to sign the final document.

Anonymous said...

China blamed as anger mounts over climate deal• Beijing accused over emissions cuts -
Campaigners say accord 'a disaster' (20.12.09)
An outbreak of bitter recrimination has erupted among politicians and delegates following the drawing up of the Copenhagen accord for tackling climate change.
The deal, finally hammered out early yesterday, had been expected to commit countries to deep cuts in carbon emissions. In the end, it fell short of this goal after China fought hard against strong US pressure to submit to a regime of international monitoring.
The Chinese prime minister, Wen Jiabao, walked out of the conference at one point, and sent a lowly protocol officer to negotiate with Barack Obama. In the end, a draft agreement put forward by China – and backed by Brazil, India and African nations – commits the world to the broad ambition of preventing global temperatures from rising above 2C. Crucially, however, it does not force any nation to make specific cuts.

Anonymous said...

Iran UN Sanctions - China veto
The Chinese have even refused a Saudi-American initiative designed to end Chinese dependence on Iranian oil, which would allow China to agree to the sanctions, said Israeli officials. Saudi Arabia, which is also very worried about the Iranian nuclear program and keen to advance international steps against Iran, offered to supply the Chinese the same quantity of oil the Iranians now provide, and at much cheaper prices. But China rejected the deal. Since Obama's visit, the Chinese have refused to join any measures to impose sanctions. The Israeli officials say the Chinese have been giving unclear answers and have not been responding to the claims by Western nations. Beijing has been making do with statements such as "the time has not yet arrived for sanctions." China's actions are particularly problematic because China will take over the presidency of the UN Security Council in January. Western diplomats say China would have no choice but to join in sanctions if Russia agrees to support them, but China could delay discussions and postpone any decision until February, when France becomes council president.
The Israeli officials say Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is showing a greater willingness for sanctions on Iran, despite hesitations by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Anonymous said...

Difference between China and Russia:
Saudis "offered to supply the Chinese the same quantity of oil the Iranians now provide, and at much cheaper prices. But China rejected the deal." The Chinese have foresight and honour, the Russians would have gladly taken the deal.
After all, China is an integral part of Asia, Russia is only peripherally in the Freeworld, glamourised to the death, in spite of everything that has gone before, by its own west "roots".

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Above: What more to expect from bowing and scraping, boot-licking, identity-loss, dazzled Russia? It takes more than a Putin to turn back the Slavic cloak. I know this excellent blog goes out full in support of Russia. But to make the reality of the Freeworld something of impact and force, China is more to be relied on perhaps. Whereas Russia seemingly dithers, see Chinese (and Alba) clout in Copenhagen, and China's steady relations with Iran and Pakistan.

Anonymous said...

No P, no Q. Don't know what to make of ID.

Anonymous said...

Iran and the China-Russia Alliance
The Bush-Obama regime keep using hostile rhetoric against Iran, threatening possible war against the country. However, Iran will not be in any way similar to the military adventurism seen in Afghanistan or Iraq. A war against Iran will bring China and Russia to war with the west. Chinese and Russian investments with Iran, both in terms of military cooperation as well as nuclear proliferation and energy ties, have driven the interests of Iran together with those of China and Russia.

Anonymous said...

New World War?
All that is required for a new major world war is just one spark: whether it comes in the form of a war between Pakistan and India, or a military strike on Iran, in which case China and Russia would not sit idly by as they did with Iraq. A strike on Iran, particularly with nuclear missiles, as is proposed, would result in World War III. So why does strategy on the part of the US and NATO continue to push in this direction?
As George Orwell once wrote: The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.
A New World War would be a global war waged by a global ruling class against the citizens of the world, with the aim of maintaining and reshaping hierarchical society to serve their own interests. It would indeed symbolize a New World War for a New World Order. In a globalized world, all conflict has global implications; the task at hand is whether the people can realize that war is not waged against a “distant” or “foreign” enemy, but against all people of the world.

Anonymous said...

Veteran Cuban leader Fidel Castro on Friday dismissed US President Barack Obama's trip to UN climate change talks in Copenhagen as a "show," and complained that the world's poor will shoulder the burden of any summit agreement.
Castro's opinion article, titled "The Moment of Truth," also criticizes the "fascist methods" used by Danish police to put down protesting environmental activists.
"It is already evident that a great catastrophe threatens our species," wrote Castro, 82.
Perhaps the worst part of the summit "is blind selfishness of a rich and privileged minority that intents to impose the bulk of the necessary sacrifices on the immense majority of planet inhabitants," Castro wrote.
He opined that "for the chiefs of the empire (the United States), despite their maneuvers and cynical lies, the moment of truth is arriving. Their own allies believe them less and less."
82 years old and still going strong, our Fidel. Can't pull the wool over his eyes at least.

Anonymous said...

Indian Lawyer Exposes How Indian Police Creates Fake Terrorists With Fake Pak Links

Anonymous said...

Now the so-called Mumbai culprit has retracted his confession extracted under duress. And the other bloke involved turns out to be a CIA double agent. So the above comes as no surprise.

Anonymous said...

Whoever thought Mumbai was anything but a False Flag operation. And judging from the nonsense coming out of mainstream today, a similar FF is being planned for Britain. When in doubt, blow up a few people and blame it on the innocent.

Anonymous said...

Moody's Puts U.S., U.K. on Chopping Block
Moody's Investors Service says the U.S. and U.K. must prove they can whittle down their ballooning deficits to avoid threats to their triple-A credit ratings.
In a report released on Tuesday, Moody's set the two countries apart from other top-rated sovereign borrowers, calling them merely "resilient" rather than "resistant," a label it applied to Canada, France and Germany, where public finances are in better shape.
Just in case someone's interested in such boring tales.

Quenzjor said...

@Anon 16/12 11:12

Hi, thanks. I read your lines after having some days off, for practical reasons, but then also in order to ruminate, which is a more morbid habit of mine. ...

It still bemuses me as I digest how zealous a reaction I proved myself capable of upon once being seriously challenged. But then, I promised to devote my brains to some more practical purposes, and I've yet to live up to that promise. But I have not forgotten.

Poiuytr a moralist? You bet! He's that in the first place, that's for sure. It's exactly there where (I cannot help but) feel myself in the same boat with him. A moralist protests by heart against what he yet discerns as indispensable a principle for all life in this universe, namely that a noble (or specious?) "end justifies the means".

A moralist must get crushed by the subjectivism, the cherished thoughtlessness of our (western) un-"culture", which they mistake for "pragmatism". So he puts up considerable efforts to find the truly inclusive ends, which of themselves (and not by some extrinsic, arbitrary exoneration) is capable of justifying quite some means.

And so we arrive at dogma, at religion. Each is responsible for which kind of "religion" he embraces.

I'll be back before long. Thanks, Anonymous, for prodding me out of my meditations.

Anonymous said...

Hello Quenzjor, Marvellous you got back to us with your usual far-reaching reflexions. I couldn't agree more with your definition of the moralist and your own somewhat surprised realisation that you both sail in the same boat. We need more such people. We are fine wherever we our, in safety, our nests warm in this shattering weather, and out there, then, are all those people who are bomb fodder, whose countries have gone up in smoke and ashes. We owe them. And that's why we blog so strenuously, counting our efforts a small matter, but better than nothing. So, Q, a hearty welcome back. The best for the season of Jesus, the Christ, and may 2010 bring you every joy.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan Shaking off the Shackles
With the loss of immunity to corruption charges, President Zardari’s ruling faction is fading fast. Their already tenuous credibility is shot, and top officials are facing indictment.
While Zardari’s determination to fight for his office will likely keep him nominally in power for awhile, his ability to order the military into new wars is very much in doubt. President Obama’s demands to attack Balochistan, North Waziristan, etc, will likely seem like a low priority, if Zardari is able to push them through at all.
Which is yet another flaw in President Obama’s strategy, as any plan that rested on the assumption Pakistan would maintain a stable civilian government for more than a few years ignores the realities of the region. Of course, this flaw is secondary to the fact that repeated escalations simply haven’t worked in the past, for the US or anyone else, when fighting in Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan to establish common economic space before 2012 Too little and far too late?
Chavez accuses U.S. of sending spy plane into Venezuela's airspace. Orders any others should be shot down.
Two NATO oil tankers destroyed in Pakistan. Full speed ahead, boys!

Anonymous said...

While we are at it, let us also wish all the best for the Christmas season and the coming year to poiuytr, James, bloggers one and all, our Japanese friend, Q, the 80-best day USan who once chanced upon this site then simply vanished, Peace Grease aka pilot, and, and, and. May all of you thrive and prosper in 2010.

Anonymous said...

Russians rebuff NATO's call for Afghan helicopter support
By: on: 21.12.2009
Russia has apparently rejected a NATO request for the provision of helicopters for the war in Afghanistan.
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen made the request during a visit to Moscow on 16 December. He also asked for aid in training the Afghan air force.
Rasmussen said that while he had presented the Russian government with a list of "concrete proposals" he had received no positive response. The requests – referred to in the Russian media as 'Rasmussen's List' – included the delivery of a number of helicopters to the Afghan National Army, the deployment of experts to train helicopter pilots for the air force and anti-drug officers for the police. He also advocated the expansion of transit rights for NATO supplies, including military hardware, via Russia to Afghanistan.
Rasmussen insisted that Russia was a strong partner of NATO in the war effort, despite a lack of concrete agreements secured on his visit. "The Russians do realise that if we left Afghanistan behind and if Afghanistan once again became a safe haven for terrorism then they could suffer from it because terrorists would spread from Afghanistan through Central Asia to Russia," he said.
Reading this one has the impression if the poor west is still in Afghanistan, it's for Russia's protection. Super Hypocrites!

poiuytr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi poiuytr, thanks for comments, some of them even perceptive, curses amd choice insults. All of it equally welcome as we march off to witness the next stage in the long prolapse of the mind-murdering west.
Duly warned, there will be no good wishes for you expressed here. Otherwise you might accuse us of - what is it? - ah, yes, raping the blog. But keep turning out NBNs at regular intervals to tell us what is what and you'll have earned your place in heaven all right.

Anonymous said...

RE: poiuytr 09:25 - We have a bone to pick with you, and not for the first time either. Firstly, we are not "misinformed" and if we are, then it's all your fault since we tend to get much of our brain washing from you rather than from any other blog. Secondly, when you write: "All the chief lacerations of the west baboon ... is down to and thanks to Russia" you repeat your past mistake of leaving the countless Muslim victims of all the west wars out in the cold. Without the Muslims, Russia would have been unable even to pull out a few hairs from the baboon fur.
But agreed, in comparison, China is a dark horse and has so far done little one can put one's finger on to advance the Freeworld cause.

Anonymous said...

Digging through the rubble: Victims of Saudi aerial bombing in Yemen
Video: Search for remains of a house belonging to / Mohammed Misfer Frawen (Isnem area - Baqum Directorate, Yemen) and the number of victims (7) Martyrs: Mohammad Misfer Frawen aged 30 years, his mother 63 years, and his wife and three children, plus his niece.
h ttp://

Today Sunday: 54 martyrs, mostly women and children, in a brutal massacre committed by Saudi war planes on Razih

Also: Saudi army on Wednesday afternoon tried to approach the (village called Quwa) with military vehicles, and with God's help and support, the Saudi crawl was stopped in its tracks (a tank and another military vehicle destroyed). And here are Yemeni soldiers captured by Houthis. Notice they are even well provisioned with "Kat" leaves: see their bulging cheeks.

h ttp://

Anonymous said...

Thinking it over, I shouldn't have minded hearing a bit of courtesy, you know, that good old-fashioned thing which allowed people to converse with each other, exchange views, etc., without necessarily heaping abuse on the interlocutor facing one. But it's too much to hope for, I suppose. Poiuytr runs this blog very much on a one-man basis and any blogger who dares to make his own contribution must definitely be treated like dirt.

Anonymous said...

Saudi air raids kill 54 civilians in northern Yemen (21.12.09)
Saudi warplanes have carried out fresh airstrikes on northern Yemeni villages, killing more than 50 civilians, Houthi sources say. "There has been a massacre committed by the Saudis in the district of Razeh in the (northern) Sa'ada province, this morning (Sunday)," a fighters spokesman who identified himself as Ali was quoted by AFP as saying.
"The town of Al-Nadheer was targeted by air strikes and 54 civilians, including women and children, were killed," he added.
When peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable. Yet again, the US is propping up another tinpot dictator, President Selah, who has absolutely no regard for the lives of his citizens. They live in abject poverty, with an appalling literacy rate. Also note that, just as the US government did in Viet Nam, we are sending in "advisors" " provide the national army with training services."
Ignorance should be painful. The pathological inability of the US government to learn from its mistakes staggers the imagination

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